‘Forget About the Price’ video gets 1st price in WH’s Healthy Young America contest
For starters, you’re to be forgiven if you didn’t know that the Department of Health and Human Services launched a competition in August titled the “Healthy Young America Video Contest.” You’re also to be forgiven if you didn’t know that the grand prize of $2,000 (gee, I wonder whose money that is) was awarded Monday to one Erin McDonald, whose entry appears here.
You are not to be forgiven if you take lying down the utterly outrageous fact that McDonald’s video is titled “Forget About the Price Tag.”
“Without a hint of irony,” the Daily Caller observes, “McDonald sings her chorus: ‘Ain’t about the, uh, cha-ching cha-ching. Ain’t about the, yeah, bla-bling bla-bling. Affordable Care Act. Don’t worry ’bout the price tag.’”
No wonder the video won. McDonald’s message dovetails neatly with Obama’s own, promulgated in his White House Youth summit on Wednesday. At that event, he urged Millennials to exercise responsibility to their communities by signing up for his monstrous health care plan and urging peers to do the same. The unstated part of his spiel is, “Sure, it will cost you twice the market rate to sign up, but think of patriotism, as helping those less fortunate than you.”
Of course the presumption that people without a job, without prospects, and living in their parents’ basement can be persuaded to finance a redistributionist scheme takes a more crack insurance salesman than Obama has proven himself to be.
Evidence of that is provided by a new poll by Harvard University’s Institute of Politics showing that the president has lost the good will and faith of Americans aged 18 and 29. A majority of these people, who helped elect Obama and are critical to the viability of his health care law, favor throwing him out of office. Fifty-seven percent of them disapprove of Obamacare, with 40% percent saying it will worsen their quality of care and drive up costs. Only 18% say the law will improve the quality of care they receive.
A summary of other key poll findings is her (scroll down). Gluttons for punishment will also a find a couple of the losing videos from the administration competition, though clearly there is no bigger loser than Erin McDonald or Obama himself.
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