As part of the effort to foment violence, bloodshed and possible civil war, the official Twitter account of His Lying Demented Fraudulence, Dictator-Wannabe Joe “Applesauce Brains” Biden, tripled down on his divisive hateful rhetoric, falsely claiming those who support the “Make America Great Again” agenda threatens the “very foundations of our Republic.”
“The MAGA agenda represents an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic. It doesn’t respect our Constitution. It doesn’t believe in the rule of law. And it doesn’t recognize the will of the people,” the lying, maggot-infested, scum-sucking putrid piece of pale pig flesh occupying the Oval Office said on Twitter.
The MAGA agenda represents an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic.
It doesn’t respect our Constitution.
It doesn’t believe in the rule of law.
And it doesn’t recognize the will of the people.— President Biden (@POTUS) September 4, 2022
This, just two days AFTER the Liar-in-Chief told Peter Doocy he doesn’t view Trump voters as a threat. So, which is it? Or does Biden not know what he thinks?
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Either way, the tweet is full of blatant lies and is designed to do one thing and one thing only — inflame and anger the already unhinged bloodthirsty liberal base who are itching for the word to start indiscriminately murdering Trump supporters on sight. And you know that’s EXACTLY what they want to do. Just like good little fascist stormtroopers.
The response on Twitter was pretty much what you’d expect. Liberal sheep who would follow Biden straight into an erupting volcano echoed Biden’s hatred and lies, while others reacted with the appropriate disgust.
You have a 36% approval rating – what TF do you know about the will of the people?#PedoHitler pic.twitter.com/zaMsrLxaBF
— Catturd ™ (@catturd2) September 4, 2022
— Shawn (@Shawn_Ton_) September 4, 2022
Ouch. By Biden’s definition, Democrats are a threat to democracy itself. But of course, we already knew that.
The MAGA movement is half of the voting public. You are dissing half of America.
— The Flying Dutchman (@verscharent) September 4, 2022
That’s his goal. HE wants to turn half of America against the other half.
Just look at these hateful MAGA extremists…pic.twitter.com/JkET5Sb5Q2
— Kevin Dalton (@KevinForBOS) September 4, 2022
Heh. Oh, wait… Don’t expect Biden or his paid minions to mention this, by the way…
So, why put this tweet out after Biden has already back-tracked on his initial hate speech? Wayne Allyn Root has a pretty good idea. After observing that Biden himself really isn’t the one in charge, he notes:
…That speech given by Biden was intended to incite civil war in America. Biden and his communist comrades want violence and a badly divided nation. They’re daring us to start a civil war.
You know- exactly like all the BLM and antifa events of 2020.
They want us to do exactly what they already did. Riots, looting, torching, robbing, murdering, attacks on police, $2 billion in damage, thousands of businesses destroyed- but with the media’s protection, it was all forgotten.
They want conservative patriots to do the same- except this time their business partners in the media will make us into “America’s Most Wanted.” They’ll call us “Nazis, fascists, extremists, traitors, domestic terrorists, insurrectionists.” Oh wait, Biden already called us all of that in his speech- before we’ve ever done a thing. Can you imagine what they’d say if we actually committed violence?
That’s the trap.
And it’s one conservatives need to avoid. Because you KNOW what liberals REALLY want, multiplied 75 million times:
We’ve talked about this many times over the years:
- Opinion: Radical Democrats, allies deliberately pushing America to brink of second bloody civil war
- Mad Maxine Waters: 74 Million Trump Supporters Are ‘Domestic Terrorists’ That Want Civil War (VIDEO)
- Is It Time For Americans To Prepare For Civil War?
Since Biden’s initial speech, quite a few leftists — particularly at MSNBC, the official network of insane bloodthirsty liberal rage, hate, and stupid, lying liberal propaganda — have openly declared “war,” and seem upset that Biden hasn’t gone “full-Hitler,” giving the green light for genocide or at the very least, concentration camps for Trump supporters.
- MSNBC Guest Roland Martin Incites Violence Against Trump Supporters: ‘We Are At WAR With These People. These Folks Are EVIL’ (Video)
- MSNBC Guest Calls Biden-Hitler’s Angry Rant An ‘Urgent Wartime Address’
If Republicans don’t win in November, however, there’s no telling what the crazed, demented wannabe-dictator will do.
Gird your loins, America. With this bunch of mad loons in power, there’s no telling WHAT will happen next.
- New U.S. Citizen From Ghana Gives Viral Response To Biden’s Message Of Hate And Division (Video)
- Dershowitz: Biden Should Call Out ‘The Intolerant Mindset Of Many Of His Own Voters’
- MSNBC Guest Roland Martin Incites Violence Against Trump Supporters: ‘We Are At WAR With These People. These Folks Are EVIL’ (Video)
- Liberals On Twitter Advocate Hitlerian Genocide Against Republicans
- Biden Backtracks, Says MAGA is NOT a Threat?
- Joe Biden – Great Uniter or Best Divider?
- McCabe: Biden-Hitler Didn’t Go Far Enough Threatening Republicans; #PedoHitler Trends On Twitter (Video)
- Channeling Inner Hitler: Biden Gives Angry Divisive Speech, Calls Trump Supporters A ‘Clear And Present Danger’ (Video)
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