
Under fire, Megyn Kelly seeks over $20 million from Fox News

megyn kelly fox newsOn Wednesday, Breitbart.com, citing a report at the Murdoch-owned Wall Street Journal, said Megyn Kelly is seeking more than $20 million from Fox News.

According to the Wall Street Journal:

Fox News star Megyn Kelly has changed agents and publicity teams since last year. Now the question is if she will change TV networks.

Host of “The Kelly File,” one of the cable-news channel’s most popular shows, Ms. Kelly is in active talks over her contract, which expires next July. Her profile has been rising during the presidential election cycle, in part thanks to a dust-up with Republican candidate Donald Trump.

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Keeping Ms. Kelly is a priority for senior management, including Rupert Murdoch, chief executive of Fox News and co-executive chairman of its parent company, 21st Century Fox.

“For the final year of her current deal, Ms. Kelly is set to receive about $15 million, people familiar with the matter said. The people said she is seeking an average annual salary north of $20 million for her next contract—which would put her on par with Fox host Bill O’Reilly,” the report adds.

Most recently, she came under fire for her treatment of former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, snidely telling the Georgia Republican to “spend some time working” on his alleged anger issues.

We posted a poll asking readers if they think the Fox talking head should be dropped for the way she treated Gingrich.  As of this writing, 82.49 percent of the 2,810 participants said the network should drop her.  A little over 10 percent — 282 — said she shouldn’t be dropped, but they would quit watching her program.  Only 210 voters — 7.47 percent — said she should remain.

The poll is still open and can be accessed here.


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Joe Newby

A 10-year veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, Joe ran for a city council position in Riverside, Calif., in 1991 and managed successful campaigns for the Idaho state legislature. Co-author of "Banned: How Facebook enables militant Islamic jihad," Joe wrote for Examiner.com from 2010 until it closed in 2016 and his work has been published at Newsbusters, Spokane Faith and Values and other sites. He now runs the Conservative Firing Line.

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