
Fetterman Bragged, American Flags Fell Over: “Perfect Metaphor”

As John Fetterman bragged that he would be standing with “100% sedition free” Barack Obama on stage, a gust of wind blew over all six American flags positioned behind him. Many Republicans stated that it was a “sign” – that Fetterman was bound for defeat, or that America was if Fetterman was elected. Either way, as Republicans noted, it was the “perfect metaphor.”

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

“If that’s not a sign I don’t know what is.” Twitter user

John Fetterman’s campaign has suffered from serious issues of fitness for office over his stroke earlier this year. But the main problems are his radical policies. In the name of “reforming the ciminal justice system,” he believes in giving convicted felons and others a “second chance.”  He has two convicted felons on his campaign team. There are ten convicted murderers that he helped release, according to Fox.

Fetterman, who chairs the Pennsylvania Board of Pardons, often talks about wanting to put an end to state law that requires mandatory life sentences without parole for those convicted of second-degree murder, but his voting record on the board shows he has successfully supported the release of at least 10 people who were convicted of taking a life. Fox

As the current Lt Governor of Pennsylvania, he enjoys the perks of being an incumbent, even though he lived in the basement at his parent’s home on a 5 figure allowance from his rich parents until he was 49. Most of that was during his tenure as Mayor of Braddock, PA. The “blue collar tough guy” isn’t what he purports himself to be – he comes from a wealthy family.

The fact that as Fetterman bragged about standing next to Barack Obama and all six flags positioned behind him fell at that moment may indeed be a “sign” that everyone in Pennsylvania should think about before voting for him.



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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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