
Farage: UK Can No Longer Trust Biden-Harris As Military Ally (Video)

In the end, it wasn’t Trump whose presidency threatened America’s working relationship with her closest allies — it was Biden’s own arrogance and incompetence.

When Trump tried to find common ground with North Korea or Russia, he was accused of aiding our enemies. When he ended the Iran deal or told NATO to step up and pay their fair share, he was blasted for endangering our friendships.

Biden was supposed to be the ‘return to diplomacy’. America’s Back. Soul of the Nation. All that happy claptrap. So what happened in real life?

Biden has been negotiating with terrorists, dancing to their tune while throwing our Nato Allies — who have been sharing our burden in keeping the peace in Afghanistan — under the bus, and endangering their citizens in the process.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Remember the line politicians love to trot out about how special America’s relationship with the UK has been for so very long? Well, Joe’s incompetence, or possibly his arrogance, has all but put that cherished relationship on ice.

Nigel Farage was being asked about the debacle in Afghanistan, and he pulled no punches:

Short term, obviously, the biggest fear are the thousands who will be left trapped after the 31st. And amazing, isn’t it? The whole of the G7, begging Joe Biden to extend the deadline, but ‘no, no, no’ because the Taliban and ISIS have threatened an American President and he’s decided to dance to their tune.

The medium-term problem is the resurgence of international terror. Already, evidence that extremist jihadi groups all over the world have taken great cheer from what the Taliban have done in Afghanistan, so if we do find ourselves back engaged and, let’s be honest, the last few years we’ve not seen major atrocities in the West, but if they start to happen again, we start to think, well, how do we go out again and try and stop these cells that are spreading international terror — how can we do it with the Americans?

How can we do it with an ally that has treated us with contempt and betrayed us, and into the bargain, many of our own citizens?

Certainly, if it’s a Biden, or a Harris administration — I – I – I — honestly there is no way, there is no way British parliament right now would vote the military cooperation with America led by this administration. And that’s a very sad thing to say because since 1917, the UK and America have been side-by-side in virtually every major conflict. We’ve been the closest allies in terms of military action, in terms of intelligence sharing, in terms of culture, in terms of business — you couldn’t have a better ally in the world than us, and right at the moment, I’m sorry but there’s no way we could enter into another operation with you.

Remember all of those 2020 endorsements that lined up behind Biden as the ‘adult in the room’? Top military brass. Intelligence agency leadership?

Bolton? Mattis, and all the rest?

Do they still stand confidently behind Joe as the man of the hour now that he’s thoroughly crapped the bed? Or is the establishment so deeply entrenched that they would rather accept humiliating defeats like the one Joe just handed them so long as an outsider like Trump doesn’t upset their tidy network of Beltway quid pro quos?

Cross-posted with Clash Daily


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