Family Research Council president: Impeach Obama for transgender edict
On Friday, Fox News’ Todd Starnes reported that Tony Perkins, president of the Christian Family Research Council, said Congress should begin impeachment proceedings to rein in Barack Obama.
“If the president chooses to go forward with this outrageous order,” Perkins told Starnes, referring to Obama’s edict forcing schools to let boys use the girls restroom, “then Congress should begin impeachment proceedings.”
In a press release issued Friday by the FRC, Perkins added:
“Once again the Obama administration is going beyond the limits of their constitutional authority to rewrite laws legally adopted by Congress. Under the guise of ‘protecting students from discrimination,’ these federal agencies are using the bully pulpit to strip parents and local school districts of the right to provide a safe learning environment for their children.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
“Parents should demand that school boards not sacrifice the safety of the children out of fear of losing federal funding, which on average only amounts to about nine cents of every educational dollar. It is also time for the Republican leadership in Congress to act and rein in this administration. Bottom line, the president’s decree should be resisted with every legal and moral instrument we have available to us in this country.
“If the American people do not speak up now on an issue like this, there’s no limit to what President Obama’s administration, or future liberal presidents, will be emboldened to do.”
Unfortunately, Congress, which is run by Republicans, is far too wimpy and limp-wristed to do anything, let alone impeach Obama — and it’s not like they haven’t had plenty of reasons to do so the last seven years.
That’s not to say everyone in the House of Representatives — the side of Congress responsible for starting articles of impeachment — is curled in a fetal position sucking his, her or its thumb.
Starnes noted:
One of the most forceful rebukes came from Tennessee Congresswoman Diane Black.
“I believe the Obama administration is now directly responsible for endangering our students,” she said. “It is worth nothing that this directive does not carry the force of law – and I would encourage Tennessee school officials to continue following their consciences.”
Good. But never fear, because state leaders like Texas Governor Greg Abbott have already stepped up to fight the perverted imperial regime, as we reported yesterday and earlier today. Other state leaders have also weighed in.
But don’t hold your breath waiting for Congress to act.
Worse yet, the presumed GOP front-runner has failed to take a position, except to say that maybe it’s an issue for the states.
“Right now I just don’t have an opinion,” he told the “Fox and Friends” hosts. “I would like the state’s to make that decision.”
Gee, ya think? As Starnes observed, how about a little moral courage and leadership, Mr. Trump? After all, it’s only our children at risk…
Starnes added:
The time has come for all Americans to stand up and defy this president’s immoral agenda. If losing federal funding is the price we must pay to protect women and children – then so be it.
We will not betray what we know to be true for the government’s 30 pieces of silver.
The German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer warned us about a time such as this. Not to speak is to speak, he once said. Not to act is to act.
- Video: Seattle University students can’t explain difference between male and female
- Obama regime orders schools to let boys use girls bathrooms, Gov. Abbott says no: ‘He’s not a King’
- Texas Lt. Governor: We will not be blackmailed by Obama’s bathroom edict
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- Obama’s bathroom edict sparks rebellion from state leaders, schools
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