ONE needn’t be a genius type to understand the following axiom: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Ain’t that the (1 + 1 = 2) easy peasy truth!
AND being that the self-evident proofs are beyond overwhelming as to the following calculus, that is, the greater the influx of Mohammedans into the west, the rise of barbarity increases commensurately, ipso facto, why would any rational western leader accede to their entry, let alone champion it? Indeed.
SO now that the mental health issue is brought into the forefront of the discussion, let’s recap. Afterwards, hopefully, the reader will see from there to here.
- With all due deliberation, how much clearer must it be, other than to hear it from their own lips: Yes, Islamists admit that the end goal of the so-called “migrants” (aka “refugees”) is to execute the Mohammedan mandate of hijrah – Islamic migration into the west! Pray tell, to what end?
- In furtherance to the above, this site reported on May 28, 2016: Rape-Jihad is exploding in Europe, but police and judges are blaming the victims! Is there even a modicum of rational thinking, by any discernible yardstick, within this “judgment?”
- Not only that, relative to exposing their barbarism to the max, what about this blood-thirsty depiction: Mohammedans gang-raped an interpreter, while she filmed a documentary on the “Plight of Refugees!!” Did you ever?
- Incontestably, is it any wonder that a Euro nation, Sweden, has been coined the“rape capital” of the west in Feb. 2015? By extrapolation, western women must be deemed sacrifices at the altar of Islamic “migration.” Those who contest – stand up and say your piece, otherwise, sit down and shut up!
IN this regard, as we move forward to Europe’s Islamic onslaught at the lead-in to 2018, get a load of this: An Italian woman received a New Year’s “gift” from one of Allah’s Muslim terrorists – and it wasn’t wine and roses! Ominously, it was par for their barbaric “norm.” Get used to it.
A Muslim immigrant from Somalia snuck into a hospital and tried to rape a woman – while she was in labor!
Ali Abdella, 38, entered Rome’s Sant’Eugenio Hospital, where he stole a hospital uniform and went into the unidentified pregnant woman’s hospital room. He then began groping her thigh and masturbating in front of her.
The woman screamed, which alerted hospital staff to the intruder. Police arrived soon after, and arrested Abdella on the scene.
Abdella, who had been living in Italy for five years, has been charged with sexual violence and theft. His first day in court is scheduled for January 10.
SO it is along this Mohammedan minefield (be it via “migrants” or home-grown Islamists living in the west, it makes no diff) that a study within the German government could no longer deny the obvious, despite Frau Merkel’s Allah-wash insistence: “I didn’t say it would be easy. I said back then, and I’ll say it again, that we can manage our historic task – and this is a historic test in times of globalisation – just as we’ve managed so much already, we can manage it.”
A study conducted by the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs has found a direct correlation between the mass influx of migrants during the migrant crisis and the rising level of violent crime in Germany.
The criminologists behind the study looked at the period between 2014 and 2016 in the state of Lower Saxony and found that before the migrant crisis violent crime had only increased by 10.4 per cent compared to after the height of the crisis where the number had dramatically increased to 92.1 per cent, Die Welt reports.
Migrants have been shown to commit far more violent acts proportionally to their size of the population in Germany and according to the researchers, they accounted for suspects in one in every eight violent crime cases.