
EPSTEIN And CLINTON: This Is The Week Those ‘John Doe #36’ Documents Are Made Public

Bill Clinton. Slick Willy. He’s often remembered in the context of that infamous blue dress. That was immortalized in a rather creepy painting. But more telling was WHERE that painting was found.

A picture of Bill Clinton wearing that blue dress (and red pumps) hung on a wall on Epstein’s island of ill repute. We can be more certain of that than we can any claim that Epstein hung himself.

When sites like ours would make mention of the passenger manifests of the so-called Lolita express, and how frequently Bill Clinton’s name appeared on it, the supposedly ‘respectable’ media did everything they could to ignore, deflect, diminish or otherwise kill the story. Just like ABC did the scoop about Epstein’s exploitation of girls, or how everyone turned a blind eye to Weinstein — another friend of the Clintons.

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More importantly that the picture on the wall of Epstein’s home would be the question about Bill Clinton’s attendance at that home and whether he is included among the people who participated in the victimization of young girls.

It’s no secret that he was close to the Clintons. We have reports that they would spend time at the ‘Zorro Ranch’ in New Mexico almost every year since his presidency. We also know that Clinton gave Epstein and Maxwell a private tour of the White House.

Former President Bill Clinton will be identified as “John Doe 36” in a trove of court documents related to late pedophile Jeffrey Epstein which are expected to be released this week, according to a report.

Clinton, 77, is mentioned more than 50 times across redacted documents related to a 2015 lawsuit from Epstein accuser Virginia Giuffre, according to ABC News.

Many of the references to Clinton are believed to stem from Giuffre’s attempts to compel the former president to testify against the late sex offender and his former paramour and co-conspirator, Ghislaine Maxwell.

Other Clinton mentions are expected to be related to attempts from both Maxwell and Giuffre to make Epstein come clean in 2016 after he repeatedly invoked his Fifth Amendment rights during a deposition in that lawsuit. — NYPost

These documents are not said to directly implicate Clinton in any wrongdoing. But it does start raising uncomfortable questions about how close the Clintons were to Epstein and Maxwell… especially now that there is no doubt about the operation that was being run out of that island.

It’s no secret that Bill Clinton is a degenerate. The question is… did his degeneracy extend to the point that he would participate in what Epstein had to offer?

Should it come to light that Clinton was anything more than a mere innocent guest of Epstein’s, that opens up a whole NEW set of questions about people beyond the Clintons themselves… including the media.

Who knew about it? Who chose to protect the reputations of the rich and powerful rather than the life and health of their innocent victims?

Cross-posted with Clash Daily


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