Deterring the Mob- Amanda Chase, VA State Senator Packs Heat

Virginia State Senator Amanda Chase appeared on the floor of the legislature with a handgun openly carried on her hip, according to the Washington Times. Democrats lost their minds. Republicans said not much.
She said she usually carries her revolver concealed, but when a colleague, Senator Dick Black, was accosted by a “mob” of immigrations protesters on Monday, she started carrying it openly. She is a Republican in her first term. She is up for re-election this year.

“It concerned me. I’ve had people get in my face. I’ve had people come up and try to touch me inappropriately. I’ve had threats. I’ve had stalkers since I’ve been in the General Assembly. I am going to continue to represent the issues that are important to my constituents, and I’m not going to be intimidated by people who would try to physically harm me.”
It’s not just the immigration protesters she’ll have to worry about, she’s introduced at least one bill recently that could have her in the crosshairs of anti-gunners. She wants to see veterans, and first responders have the right to carry without a permit.
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Fox wrote:
Chase wore the revolver on the floor of the Virginia state Senate on Tuesday while presenting two bills in the Senate Privileges and Elections Committee, including an alternative to the Equal Rights Amendment resolution that reaffirms equal protection under the law, the Richmond Times-Dispatch reported.
She described openly carrying guns as empowering women and even likened it to her own Equal Rights Amendment. Chase told the Washington Post that some of her colleagues were on board with the move but others thought it was unnecessary.
One Twitter user wrote: “Sen. Amanda Chase @a_chase11 #VASD11 packing heat in the Senate Courts of Justice Committee presenting her bill allowing firefighters and EMTs who are former law enforcement officers or vets to carry concealed weapons without a permit.” Michael Pope, Reporter for Virginia Public Radio
Democrats mocked her, calling her action absurd. Democrats said she should tell the police if she has concerns. (When seconds count, police are just minutes away, right?).
Ms. Chase states she has held a concealed weapons permit for years. She is hoping that her open carry will deter the “more exuberant” ones. It’s her version of the “ERA- Equal Rights Amendment.”
“Unfortunately in the General Assembly we see the good, we see the bad, we see all types of things. It’s just for personal safety, quite honestly.” Amanda Chase
H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children
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