
Democrats Do Not Care About Us, Nor Their Presidential Candidate

Mike Pottage speculates on party's plans to keep Trump from the White House, again

It is election time, and polling data makes a cheap headline. Polling data is a guess. When speculation arises that Kamala Harris may be the future of the Democratic Party, someone asks a few hundred people about it, and presto, a poll is born.

In the case of a possible Kamala Harris presidency, we have facts. When Harris ran for president on her own, she did not win a single Democrat delegate and quit the race before the California primary election. She was, at the time, a U.S. senator from California. That primary should have been a Harris win.

She has had three-plus years now to distinguish herself as a capable leader. On what is the major issue, immigration, she is a spectacular failure.

The subject of a Harris presidency is tacit recognition that Joe Biden is as feeble as Harris is unpopular. The Democratic Party is without a viable presidential candidate. But its leaders have repeatedly declared that Donald J. Trump cannot be “allowed near the White House.”

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

How does the Democratic Party propose to do that? While it dismisses an election loss later this year as untenable, it declares the opposition candidate to be a “threat to democracy” and therefore denied an election victory. What about the voters? Don’t they decide?

Most people realize that without having to vote in person, with mail-in ballots, same-day registration and unattended drop boxes, cheating is now a viable path to the presidency. Millions of Americans think that happened in 2020. Millions of voters and a number of state election officials fear the federal government’s election reforms enhance the possibility there will be a lot of cheating, particularly in the close races.

Illegal aliens are issued driver’s licenses in California and registered to vote during the process. Democrats are counting on that.

If Joe Biden is reelected president, the majority of voters in this nation may be suspicious of the election itself, and that loss of faith in the electoral process could turn out to be fatal to the Republic.

But what if talk of banning Trump under all circumstances is not hot air, and the party is planning to set aside election results if Trump wins? The Constitution leaves the manner, methods and conduct of national elections up to the states.

Democrats have campaigned against the Electoral College for decades, yet ironically, in their contemporary conversations focus upon using the college to overthrow a win by Trump.

As Trump sits in one courtroom, facing other Democrat court challenges in other courthouses in multiple states, the Democrats’ tactic is to keep him from the campaign while generating as much negative publicity as possible. Essentially, the debauchment of the law for political purposes is designed to keep the American people from viewing and hearing from an opposition candidate. It is, at its core, a revolutionary attempt to seize absolute control of the election process.

So will the Marxists stop waging war after the first Tuesday of November? They will not.

As a hedge against an election loss, no doubt the party is actively plotting a series of lawsuits in multiple states to challenge the outcome, deny its ratification and overturn the result. By carefully selecting the states most likely to produce a close vote, and by selecting the judicial venue where party loyalists sit as judges, is not difficult to image election chaos after Nov. 5. Multiple leaks give the public a pretty clear vision of what is in store.

No less than Hillary Clinton has declared Trump cannot be allowed back in the White House. And on cue, the alphabet media uniformly attacked Republicans by demanding they must declare they will accept the outcome of the election no matter what. That is a preemptive strike to imply the GOP would do what the Democrats are doing right now: planning a coup disguised as a rescue operation.

A political party that pins its hope for the future on the testimony of a gold-digger such as “Stormy Daniels” is pretty much capable of anything.

As for candidate Biden, probably everyone has a family member or knows someone with a family member suffering from dementia. The medications do nothing to slow the disease. The person fades from reality, leaving only their physical presence.

Joe Biden obviously prefers to spend his time at his Delaware properties. It is really not kind for the rest of us to criticize him for not being “on the job” or “on a permanent vacation.”

Anyone who has reached their 70s, particularly their 80s, will tell you the physical side of life ebbs. All that is left is the mind, and for some, Mr. Biden included, that fades too. The 10-flat 100-yard dash will never be again. It is replaced by a 100-foot walk and no time clock.

This nostalgia has a serious point. We are witnessing a political party, in this case the Democratic Party, engaging in elder abuse for political gain, and then actively engaging in a conspiracy to thwart the will of the people in anticipation of an election loss.

That is disgusting.

A political party led by people with such callous disregard for other people cannot be trusted to care if gasoline is too expensive, food is a luxury, homeownership is beyond reach of the middle class or people have to turn off the heat or air to lower the bill. If you are willing to grind an elderly man into the ground, you do not give a damn about anyone but yourself.

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The post Democrats do not care about us, nor their presidential candidate appeared first on WND.

This article was originally published by the WND News Center.


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