
Democrats Blame Trump Supporters For Ruining Iowa Caucus Results Reporting Hotline

Iowa Democrats are not happy with Trump supporters, and are now blaming them for allegedly flooding the Iowa caucus hotline number that was posted online. Because in their warped minds there is absolutely no way the caucus disaster that began Monday evening in Iowa could have possibly been the result of a major screw-up by the Iowa Democratic Party leadership. They have to blame someone else..

When the app broke down, the districts were supposed to use the hotline to call in the results, but the hotline broked down, and precinct leaders were put on hold for hours.

Here’s more from The Washington Examiner:

But amid the chaos, the hotline number was posted online via photos of internal paperwork, contributing to some officials being placed on hold for hours.

Ken Sagar, a top Democrat on Iowa’s central committee who answered calls last Monday night, told party leaders during a teleconference Wednesday night that he spoke to people who instead wanted to convey their support for the president, according to Bloomberg News.

While the Iowa Democratic Party didn’t immediately respond to the Washington Examiner’s request for comment, Trump campaign spokesman Tim Murtaugh said he didn’t “know anything about that.”

“Maybe Democrats should consider using an app of some kind next time,” Murtaugh quipped.

On caucus night, the Iowa Democratic Party blamed the delay on “quality control” because of inconsistencies in the data.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

If the issue was flooding the hotlines, why did it take three extra days to get the results? Were people flooding the hotline from Monday through Thursday?

Thursday night, the Iowa Democratic Party announced they finally have 100% of precincts reporting. And if nothing changes, Pete Buttigieg holds a slim one-tenth of one percent lead over Bernie Sanders  (26.2% to 26.1%) in the, but each earned ten delegates. Pocahontas was third with 18% and finishing 4th thanks in part to a lousy ground game Joe Biden finished fourth.  I suppose those results are also the fault of Donald Trump’s supporters.

This is shaping up to be a strange Democratic presidential primary season. Bernie looks good for New Hampshire, and the scuttlebutt is that Bernie’s success is making Democratic Party leadership freak out. If Bernie grabs the nomination, it will be the fault of the leftists who have taken over their party–not the fault of Trump supporters.

Cross-posted with The Lid


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