
David Hogg in profanity-laced interview claims NRA made up of ‘pathetic f*****s’ who want to keep killing kids

In an interview with The Outline, media darling and far-left anti-gun activist David Hogg showed the world his ability to use the “f-bomb” while making a number of fact-free claims.

The interview starts with Hogg calling the NRA “pathetic f*****s” who “want to keep killing our children.”

There’s more.  He also falsely claimed the NRA could have the blood of murdered children on their faces but wouldn’t do anything because of their greed.

“It just makes me think what sick f***ers out there want to continue to sell more guns, murder more children, and honestly just get reelected,” he said

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

He also doesn’t want security in schools to protect children, despite the fact that it’s been recently proven that a well-armed and well-trained security officer can save lives.

“We’re going to create a system where we widen the school-to-prison pipeline,” he said.

The Outline said (Edited for graphic language):

Hogg and his classmates say that their elected officials “don’t give a f**k” about them. Florida Gov. Rick Scott, he says, is an opportunist who’s just trying to boost his rumored Senate bid. Sen. Marco Rubio, who in a CNN town hall after the shooting was unable to say that he wouldn’t continue to accept NRA money, is a charlatan who only cares about staying in office. When these officials express their condolences or send their thoughts and prayers, Hogg doesn’t believe them. “You can’t lie; you’ve got to feel it, you’ve got to feel for these children’s lives,” he said. “Those f*****s aren’t getting reelected.”

He directly addressed Benjamin Kelly, a former aide to State Rep. Shawn Harrison, who accused Hogg of being a crisis actor: “Hey, if you’re out there, f**k you.”

Hogg also claimed it’s his job to fix America because “our parents don’t know how to use a f***ing democracy, so we have to.”

Of course, America isn’t a democracy — it’s a republic.

Writing at the Daily Wire, Ryan Saavedra added:

Yet, when he was asked what ideas he is coming up with for policies, Hogg replied, “I shouldn’t have to! I’m 17.”

Hogg also claimed that he does not want to ban any type of firearm or firearm accessories, he just wants to make it harder for people to have guns.

The Outline further noted (Edited for language): “He said ‘f**k’ so many times during our interview that he jokingly said he hoped it wouldn’t be televised, ‘because you guys are f***ed if the FCC is regulating this.'”

We chose not to include the video due primarily to Hogg’s foul mouth, which frankly, needs to be introduced to a bar of soap, but you can watch it here if you’re so inclined.  Take note, if you will, that comments were disabled on the video.  Wonder why…

Also keep in mind that Hogg still has this pinned to the top of his Twitter feed:

Can you say, “hypocrite?”


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Joe Newby

A 10-year veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, Joe ran for a city council position in Riverside, Calif., in 1991 and managed successful campaigns for the Idaho state legislature. Co-author of "Banned: How Facebook enables militant Islamic jihad," Joe wrote for Examiner.com from 2010 until it closed in 2016 and his work has been published at Newsbusters, Spokane Faith and Values and other sites. He now runs the Conservative Firing Line.

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