David Hogg to MSNBC: I won’t accept Laura Ingraham’s apology because ‘she’s a bully’
While participating in a softball interview with MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell, David Hogg, the profane anti-gun demagogue recently dubbed the “king of the snowflakes,” said that he refuses to accept Laura Ingraham’s apology because “she’s a bully and she needs to be held accountable.”
This from the kid who has spent the last month smearing everyone with whom he disagrees and lying about the NRA, calling them everything including “f*****s who want to keep killing kids.”
Ingraham, by the way, didn’t bully Hogg — she simply remarked on news that Hogg was rejected from four colleges. This triggered the 17-year-old who then demanded an advertiser boycott. A group of companies, including Rachael Ray’s Nutrish and Hulu, dutifully obeyed the Almighty Hogg and yanked their ads from Ingraham’s program.
Hogg had an opportunity to take the high road and accept Ingraham’s apology, but he refused, demanding that she denounce Fox News as penance for her sin.
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Here’s video of his statements, as tweeted by MSNBC.
Parkland survivor David Hogg says he won't be accepting the apology of Fox News Host Laura Ingraham after she taunted him for being rejected from several colleges.
"She's a bully and she needs to be held accountable." pic.twitter.com/qTWmA8nYSZ
— MSNBC (@MSNBC) March 30, 2018
Twitchy held nothing back: “She’s a bully? She needs to be held accountable? For someone as in love with himself as much as David Hogg is, you’d think he’d’ve checked the mirror before making such a bold assertion.”
Quite a few Twitter users weren’t impressed:
Really @davidhogg111?…Laura's the bully here? Ugh…you're not ready for adulthood…
— Frederick Neiles (@f_neiles82) March 30, 2018
Oh, that’s okay. You see, those really weren’t real people, they were gun rights supporters who deserve to be bullied and smeared. At least that seems to be the attitude adopted by Hogg and his blind followers.
One person used Hogg’s own rhetoric against him, observing:
Naturally, Hogg’s worshipers loved the segment, with one Twitter user suggesting he be made president:
Im thinking this amazing young man would by far make a better president then the current so called human.
— Didario (@CDidario) March 30, 2018
Twitchy added:
Civility’s a two-way street, David. Laura Ingraham said something incredibly stupid and classless, but so do you. Regularly. And unlike you, she actually swallowed her pride and apologized.
Hogg loves to throw his weight around, threatening and maligning anyone who doesn’t bend to his will or buy into his hype — and then play the “Hey, I’m Just a Kid!” card the second anyone tries to hold him accountable for his words or actions. He needs to put those stones down before he shatters what little is left of his glass house.
As yours truly noted here, Hogg needs to realize that he’s now a public figure, like it or not, and he needs to either grow up and realize that he’s subject to criticism or shut up and go away. Because at this point, there’s a growing number of Americans who are frankly sick and tired of his apparently never-ending antics.
- Video of the Day: Ben Shapiro explains why no one wants David Hogg
- Support Laura Ingraham? Here’s a short list of companies to boycott for caving in to David Hogg, Media Matters
- David Hogg rejects Laura Ingraham’s apology, demands repudiation of Fox News: ‘It’s time to love thy neighbor, not mudsling at children’
- Open letter to David Hogg: Grow up or shut up
- Teen demagogue David Hogg demands followers boycott, attack Laura Ingraham’s advertisers
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