
D.C. National Guard Whistleblowers Say Trump Was About To Deploy Them On January 6 But Pentagon Held Them Back

(Natural News) In a hearing scheduled for next week, whistleblowers from the Washington, D.C., National Guard will tell Congress that Donald Trump wanted them deployed during the January 6 Capitol riot, but the Pentagon interfered with that deployment.

At least three National Guard officers will appear before the House subcommittee to tell their stories – stories that were patently ignored by the Democrat-led January 6 committee, which produced the official report as to what allegedly happened that day.

The purpose of the hearing is to prove that then-Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller gave advance approval of D.C. National Guard deployment at the direction of Trump before it was overridden by the United States Army.

The whistleblowers will also provide testimony that then-Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy delayed providing official notice of the deployment to D.C. National Guard Commander William Walker by at least two hours.

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Instead of trying to get to the bottom of what happened that resulted in this delay, the January 6 committee focused solely on pinning blame for the event on Trump and his supporters, the whistleblowers will state.

“The officers, who were with Walker the day of the Capitol riot, will detail how they were on buses in full tactical gear for hours waiting for the go-ahead from the Army,” reports indicate.

(Related: For the first time since the incident occurred, January 6 “insurrectionists” are suing Capitol police for misconduct.)

Trump’s January 6 vindication

According to McCarthy, who swore this under oath, he gave a timely order for National Guard deployment, but the message took three hours and 19 minutes to get delivered, thanks to the breakdown in communication.

It is speculated that McCarthy wanted a position in the incoming regime of Joe Biden, so he avoided making it appear as though the Army, at his direction, was in any way interfering with the certification of the 2020 election results.

Titled “Three Years Later: D.C. National Guard Whistleblowers Speak Out on January 6 Delay,” the hearing will seek to get to the bottom of whether or not Trump was at fault in the delayed National Guard deployment.

Another thing the hearing will accomplish is to allow the whistleblowers to tell all about how the January 6 committee did not want to hear what they had to say because it corroborated what Trump and his allies say happened that fateful day.

Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga.), who is chairing the Oversight Subcommittee, released a transcript last month of a never-before-seen interview with Tony Ornato, the guy in charge of Trump’s security detail on January 6. In that interview, Ornato confirmed that Trump did, in fact, authorize the National Guard to be mobilized and deployed that day.

In essence, Ornato’s revelations expose the January 6 committee’s alternate version of events that wrongfully makes Trump look like the bad guy, accusing him of failing to deploy the National Guard to stabilize the situation.

“It is pretty clear that there was a conspiracy to sabotage the crowd control,” one commenter wrote about the events of January 6. “If normal crowd control had been done as at every other large protest, the police would have set up a perimeter and they and the National Guard would have defended the perimeter.”

“When the troublemakers showed up, they would have scuffled with the police and guardsmen at the barriers and some would have been arrested there, just like many large protests. There was no reason for the police to let hundreds of people in through the doors. That has never been explained. Nor has the preventing the guard from assisting the police been explained. That is the only reason the crowd was able to wander up to the building.”

The latest news about Trump’s re-run for the presidency in 2024 can be found at Trump.news.

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