
Criminal Probe of Planned Parenthood in Texas

devonDon’t mess with Texas!!

The State of Texas and Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson have both opened criminal investigations of the Planned Parenthood (PP) office in Houston.  The Houston PP office was featured in one of the videos released by Center for Medical Progress.  PP is still insisting that your eyes are lying to you and that the videos have been watching are edited and doctored.  Texas has promised to examine the original videos very carefully to make sure the edited versions are correct.

Coalfire, a privately owned company that are experts in video forensics, have already examined the tapes and compared them to the released, edited versions.  Their conclusion is that the edited versions are 100% authentic and what has been edited from the tapes are such things as bathroom breaks and conversations having nothing to do with organ harvesting.

You can read their full report here.

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Planned Parenthood also commissioned an investigation into the tapes.  They hired a company named Fusion.  Unlike Coalfire, Fusion is a partisan opposition research company, with no expertise in examining and comparing tapes.  To say their evaluation is confusing is a major understatement.

From Live Action News:

A report commissioned by Planned Parenthood has found that the sting videos targeting its tissue donation practices contain intentionally deceptive edits, missing footage and inaccurately transcribed conversations. But there is no evidence that the anti-abortion group behind the attack made up dialogue. 

But the firm also wrote that it is impossible to characterize the extent to which the edits and cuts distort the meaning of the conversations depicted and that there was no “widespread evidence of substantive video manipulation.”

You would think that would take the wind out of PP’s sails but you’d be wrong.  Here is their statement on the criminal probes:

“Extremists who oppose Planned Parenthood’s mission and services are making outrageous and completely false claims. They are engaged in a fraud, and other claims they’ve made have been discredited and disproven.  The footage released today doesn’t show Planned Parenthood staff engaged in any wrongdoing or agreeing to violate any legal or medical standards. Instead, the latest tape shows an extremely offensive intrusion and lack of respect for women, with footage of medical tissue in a lab. These extremists show a total lack of compassion and dignity for women’s most personal medical decisions.”

Who discredited or disproved the tapes?  Liberal media writers who refused to watch the original tapes.  Fusion sure didn’t.  The rest of their statement is a futile exercise in using language to counter facts.

I hope the lot of them go away for a very, very long time.


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