
Creepy CNN cracks open ‘WhiteTruckGate’

CNN, the cable “news” network whose motto is “Facts First,” is the outlet credited with breaking the story of the latest Trump administration scandal, which was subsequently picked up by Newsweek.

In the original story, which first appeared on Wednesday, CNN reported that an unmarked white box truck was parked in a position that prevented its cameras from recording the president engaged in some nefarious activity that involved a yard-long stick and a dimpled white ball.  That’s “golf,” for those in Rio Linda, as Rush Limbaugh might say.

When the cameras were re-positioned to get a clear shot, the truck was moved to obscure the view, as though it had been prompted to do so.

Late yesterday, CNN determined that a vast right-wing conspiracy seemed to be at work.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

According to Deadline Hollywood:

Thursday, Brianna Keilar told CNN viewers, “We’ve done some digging,” and learned the truck was parked in a spot reserved for a sheriff’s department vehicle. A similar truck was seen parked at the local sheriff’s department parking lot. “Was the Palm Beach Sheriff’s Department behind this move?” Keilar asked, rhetorically. A spokesperson told the cable news network that the camera-blocking truck maneuver “was not authorized,” Keilar said.

“By the way, there was no attempt to block our shot today,” Keilar said. That’s after the sheriff’s department got called by CNN.

Break, break. A network that has bristled at the notion that it concerns itself with fake news has not only devoted air time and print space to this non-story but has even conceded to its viewers that the report “may seem trivial.” May?

Of course, when former President Barack Obama hit the links seconds after commenting on the beheading of American journalist James Foley by jihadists in 2014, CNN was initially silent. It was only after the Washington Post reported on Obama’s jaw-dropping attempt at contrition — “I should’ve anticipated the optics,” he said, adding, “Part of this job is also the theater of it” — that CNN saw fit to cover it.

In the light of all this, one might reasonably ask how much coverage the network has devoted to reports that the Obama administration actively blocked law enforcement efforts to take down Hezbollah networks in order to finalize his “deal” with Iran. Here’s the answer:

Let’s not forget that CNN — the cable outlet seen by many as the least-trusted name in network news — captured video of the president playing golf while acting like a creepy stalker, hiding behind foliage.


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