
Covid Is Genocide –

Dr. David Martin Speaks To The European Parliament

HOT on the heels of the following analysis, it is kismet-like to come across the below videos, that is, as beyond proof of RFK’s prescience and deep understanding of the subject matter at hand. Yes, and the cajones to shout it from the rooftops, hyenas, be damned.


ONTO the mind-blowing and numbing proofs of the same….

BUT lest some dedicated readers may have forgotten, this investigative journalist has been less than delicate re presenting the “conspiratorial” position that has made RFK target-worthy by the goon squads in the DemonRat Party, in tandem with their spin-meisters in the Mockingbird Media.

and the links go on and on!

MIND you, for all of the above back-breaking effort to alert the wider public to the dangers at bay, certain radical-bent folks started to threaten this and that, if this “conspiracy-talk” did not cease and desist.

LIKE water off a duck’s back….

(Cross-referenced at: Adina Kutnicki: A Zionist & Conservative Blog)

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