
Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy: NRA a ‘terrorist organization’

In what appears to be part of the left’s ongoing effort to foment hate and possibly violence against the National Rifle Association and the millions of law-abiding members who make up its ranks, Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy (D) said the NRA has become a “terrorist organization,” The Hill reported Wednesday.

“They act quite frankly in some cases as a terrorist organization,” he said in response to a comment by Hartford Mayor Luke Bronin. “You want to make safer guns? We will boycott your company. That’s who they are. That’s what they do.”

“The idea that the NRA should be recognized as a voice for gun safety is ridiculous,”Bronin said Tuesday.

According to Fox 61:

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Bronin firing back at the NRA, said the organization does more to oppose progress and prevent collaborative dialogue about gun safety than any other organization in the country.

The back and forth between the two started earlier this week when Bronin called on Connecticut lawmakers to rip any mention of the NRA out of state laws.

Right now, Connecticut residents who want to get a firearm permit needs to go through a basic safety training course and get certified.  State law names NRA training as a valid course for firearms instruction.

NRA ILA spokesperson Catherine Mortensen, responded:  “No organization in the world does more to promote the safe and responsible use of firearms than the NRA. The NRA’s Basics of Pistol Shooting course is the best training available for anyone seeking to carry a concealed firearm for self-protection. By eliminating the NRA training and standards for Connecticut’s permit holders, Mayor Bronin is putting politics above the safety of Connecticut citizens.”

Bronin had more to say, falsely claiming that “if the NRA had its way we wouldn’t be permitting in the first place.”

“This is an organization that opposes universal background checks despite the fact that overwhelming majority of Americans and even a large number of NRA members support universal background checks,” Bronin added.

The NRA fired back at Malloy, saying the organization is “comprised of over five million law-abiding citizens many of whom are teachers, doctors, policeman, farmers, moms and dads residing in Connecticut. So let’s be clear Governor Malloy just called tens of thousands of his constituents terrorists.”

“Public safety isn’t improved by eliminating the NRA training and standards for Connecticut’s permit holders or by calling people who disagree with you terrorists,” NRA spokeswoman Jennifer Baker added.

Unfortunately, this is the type of unhinged rhetoric we’ve come to expect from left-wing anti-gunners, who apparently think that “discussion” means smearing millions of Americans.

Baker further said:

Voters are fed up with politicians who engage in political stunts and childish name calling rather than serious policy discussions aimed at making our schools and communities safer. A perfect example is the absurd political stunt to remove NRA trainers from the permitting process in Connecticut. No organization in the world does more to promote the safe and responsible use of firearms than the NRA.

The NRA’s Basics of Pistol Shooting course is the best training available for anyone seeking to carry a concealed firearm for self-protection. Public safety isn’t improved by eliminating the NRA training and standards for Connecticut’s permit holders or by calling people who disagree with you terrorists.

NRA members love our children and want them to be safe just as much as anyone else we just disagree that punishing law-abiding citizens who want to exercise their constitutional right to self-defense is the way to achieve that goal.”

But leftists like Malloy have demonstrated they have no desire to talk — they only want to strip law-abiding Americans of their right to keep and bear arms — even if it means stoking violence against those with whom they disagree.

Exit question: Does Malloy agree with this guy who once said he’s okay with exterminating five million NRA members?


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Joe Newby

A 10-year veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, Joe ran for a city council position in Riverside, Calif., in 1991 and managed successful campaigns for the Idaho state legislature. Co-author of "Banned: How Facebook enables militant Islamic jihad," Joe wrote for Examiner.com from 2010 until it closed in 2016 and his work has been published at Newsbusters, Spokane Faith and Values and other sites. He now runs the Conservative Firing Line.

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