
CNN Townhall with Trump Backfired Tremendously — On CNN

CNN taking heat for even having a townhall with Trump

Last night’s CNN Townhall with former President Trump created backlash from all quarters. Trump received a standing ovation at the beginning, and cheers of support during the event, basically turning it into a campaign rally. CNN host Kaitlin Collins won the political ‘honor’ of being called a “nasty person” by Trump, as staffers whined that Trump should not have been given a platform at all. CNN also ended the townhall early because it was a disaster. GOP Congressman Byron Donalds criticized CNN for its biased coverage, telling the media that people are “tired of y’all.”

“Town halls are for the voters, not for the press or the person who is the moderator…Kaitlan spent more time interjecting her own viewpoints or her own views on the situation.” Congressman Byron Donalds, R-FL

As Collins continued to claim that her facts were more accurate than anything from Republicans, Donalds responded: “Hold on. Are you guys now going to interject your views on me, or do I get a chance to speak?”

Typical mainstream media. They have a specific narrative, and if you bump up against that narrative things will go awry.  To be blunt, they hate the truth, they only want their own pet narratives as responses. No one can respond in any way other than what they want, or they will end the interview.

The CNN Townhall accomplished one main thing: that the liberal media has only one focus, and that is to attack Donald Trump personally and ignore the issues people are most concerned about in the US. The only thing Collins talked about were the narratives they came up with in hopes of trapping the former President and attempting to make them look good. It may have accomplished the exact opposite.

Radioactive performance?

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

“We live in a democratic republic and Trump is the frontrunner for the GOP nomination. It’s not the media’s job to silence a politician they don’t like. The format was messy, but voters need to hear from both of the frontrunners, Trump and Biden. And by the way, Trump did what his base wanted but his performance last night was radioactive to moderates and undecideds.”  Some CNN Staffers

Even AOC weighed in by saying that “CNN should be ashamed of themselves.” Others weren’t as generous as others with some calling new CEO Chris Licht to complain that Trump shouldn’t be given any platform to speak.

All in all, some felt it was a “dumpster fire” for CNN, since the audience was made of Republican voters.

Pure genius! What’s even better is that he made @kaitlancollins look like the total fake news reporter she is.” @RealAFPatriot



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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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