
CNN propagandist Jim Acosta gets destroyed on Twitter over lies about Trump’s immigration speech

Poor Jim Acosta, he is such a jerk, and every day he proves it to the world. Today the clown-prince of the White House press corps lied about President Trump again and got royally beaten up on Twitter.

After President Trump’s immigration speech, Acosta tweeted:

I wonder if Acosta’s pants caught fire because that isn’t what the POTUS said. What President Trump said was the legitimate asylum seekers are being hurt by the illegitimate ones:

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

  “Our nation has a proud history of affording protection to those fleeing government persecutions. Unfortunately, legitimate asylum seekers are being displaced by those lodging frivolous claims….My plan expedites relief”

The President’s campaign committee started the smackdown.

But they were too kind compared to the other comments…well compared to SOME of the other comments. This first guy seemed to worry about Acosta’s health:


Acosta is also the enemy of legitimate reporters who care about the truth and doesn’t make themselves the center of each story.

He’s not even nearly as good as I think, and I think he’s awful!


Have you noticed there are a lot of people who think Acosta is crazy?

MMMM….maybe he IS crazy.

Yes, it would…



Yes Cookie Monster, “C” is for crazy AND cookie.


I wonder if Jim Acosta realizes that in his case, it IS personal. Very few people in the administration like or respect him. He is considered by conservative observers as the most unprofessional member of the White House press corps, and his fellow WH reporters don’t like him either.

Remember…  This. IS. CNN.

Cross-posted with The Lid


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