
‘Reporter’ From Fake News CNN Tries To Bait JD Vance On Race… Fails Horribly (Video)

Their endless attacks on Trump have failed, now they're trying to trip up his Veep.

How can you tell Trump crushed the adversarial press when he sat down with the panel in Chicago the other day? Ticky-tack gotcha questions like this one are a dead giveaway.

CNN reporter Steve Contorno tried to riff off of JD Vance’s racially diverse family in an attempt to make one of Trump’s criticisms of Kamala boomerang back against Trump.

That plan failed.

The context: Trump had made an observation — while addressing the National Association of Black Journalists — that the racial identity Kamala is leaning into now is not the same one she has emphasized in years past.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Headlines celebrating her California Senate seat win, for instance, didn’t highlight her black identity, but her asian background. Trump made a point of not caring so much what she called herself, but found it interesting that she is ‘reinventing’ herself so to speak and the media is more than happy to go along with it… without so much as even asking questions as to why she has made the switch.

The implication has nothing to do with race, and everything to do with yet another Democrat playing the pandering game of being whatever the hell their credulous audience needs them to be in order to get a vote. The worse example is Hillary’s ‘I ain’t in no wise tired’ act, but they all do it… including Obama, AOC, and yes, the newest shiniest Dem toy, Kamala.

When Contoro played the ‘you have biracial kids’ card, JD saw the dishonest question for what it was, and knocked it out of the park.

Of course, it was just a few days ago that the press had NOTHING to say in condemning THIS defamatory attack against JD Vance ridiculously accusing him of white supremacist inclinations.

The media have long since torched their credibility… and obvious lies like these are a big part of the ‘why’.

Cross-posted with Clash Daily


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