
Central American Caravan has Arrived at the Border

file photo of Migrant Caravan

About 50 people from the Central American migrant caravan arrived in Tijuana to request asylum. Most are from Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, three of the most violent, dangerous countries in Central America. The caravan began at the border of Guatemala in March and has been travelling through Mexico toward the US. More than these 50 are expected to arrive soon.

Asylum requires that the person “demonstrate [they] have suffered persecution or fear that they will suffer persecution due to” five factors: race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.”

Some who broke away from the caravan reportedly had their papers for safe passage torn up, and some were reportedly kidnapped.

Mexico did little to stop them, although some vague actions were taken. The Government of Mexico offered “temporary humanitarian visas” to the caravan so they could travel normally through the country. Under pressure from President Trump, Mexico did cause much of the caravan to disband, which began as around 1,500 people.

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Various small group of migrants have been found by Mexican authorities along the way, some jammed into buses that had no more room in them.

According to Fox,

On Thursday, Mexico’s National Immigration Institute said its agents found a total of 191 mostly Central American migrants jammed into a truck and a bus in southern and central Mexico.

The institute said 103 migrants were found packed into a truck in the Gulf Coast state of Veracruz. The people had gone two days without food or water. All but two are from Guatemala, and 55 are minors.

Agents also found 88 migrants crowded into a bus that had seating for only 42 people in the north-central state of Hidalgo. Eighty are from Guatemala, among them 45 minors accompanied by relatives.

Tijuana, Mexico is on the border of California, and a small part of Arizona. Arizona, Texas, and New Mexico deployed National Guard troops at the President’s request. California, not so much. More will be coming over the next days, according to organizations that assist with immigration.

Every asylum applicant should be given a choice: Stay in detention for the entire duration of your case or wait in Mexico for a decision. No one, under any circumstances, should be released into the U.S. https://t.co/zUA496UQX0

The first migrants from a caravan that sparked the ire of President Trump have started arriving at the US-Mexico border and asking for asylum, advocates say https://t.co/uF0ptrxRLc pic.twitter.com/EZUsP3zWay

First wave of migrant caravan hits the US border

Migrant caravan reaches US, Mexico border https://t.co/xWVPETnxZy #FoxNews. AND CALIFORNIA WILL GO BANKRUPT.. US CITIZENS WILL BE TAXED OUT OF CALIFORNIA.

H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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