Cartoon of the Day: Let No Crisis Go To Waste

After the Russia collusion scam and the impeachment sham, Democrats are pinning their hopes on the Coronavirus crisis to damage Trump and America. Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2020. Used with permission.
For more information on the Coronavirus outbreak, we suggest you go here and get this book:
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
- Why Hysterics over Alleged Toilet Paper Shortage During Coronavirus Pandemic Works Against Us
- Will warmer weather stop the Chinese coronavirus soon? We better hope so.
- Video of the Day: MSNBC hack Joy Reid claims children of Trump supporters a coronavirus threat to ‘your kids’
- Liberal journos, WHO, push Chinese propaganda that saying ‘Wuhan Virus’ is racist
- Thanks, Obama: Not Enough Face Masks Made In US to Deal With Coronavirus Pandemic
- Coronavirus Update: First US Patient Dies in Washington State
- Lying Liberal Media Falsely Claims Trump Called Coronavirus A ‘Hoax,’ Here’s What He Actually Said (Video)
- New book suggests Coronavirus a biological weapon
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