
Capitol Hill, media in shock: Trump doing what he promised

President Donald Trump is doing what he said he would. Is Washington D.C. ready for him yet? (YouTube)
President Donald Trump is doing what he said he would. Is Washington D.C. ready for him yet? (YouTube)

Establishment politicians and the dominant media are walking around in shock over the fact that after only one week in office, President Donald Trump has been doing “almost exactly what he promised to do during his campaign,” The Hill is reporting.

It has been a slam-bang week for Trump, starting with an executive order within hours of taking office, followed by more executive orders this week including those dealing with a wall along the Mexican border, and moves against so-called “sanctuary cities.”

In a stunning move, Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos Giminez has ordered jails in his jurisdiction to comply with federal immigration hold requests, according to the Wall Street Journal. This comes on the heels of defiant declarations from other mayors around the country that they will continue to resist the Trump administration and continue “sanctuary” policies despite fears of federal funding cuts.

Some mayors, including Seattle’s Ed Murray, might take a lesson from Giminez. Murray is under heavy criticism right now for his stubborn – some might call it childish – stand on “sanctuary.” He has thrown down a political gauntlet from the safety of a supportive crowd, who may not fully understand that if federal funding is withheld from the city, their favorite “entitlement” program may feel a pinch.

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Whatever else Trump has accomplished during his first week, he has managed to make liberals and even some career conservatives squirm. He’s a developer, so he understands what a wrecking ball is for.

Trump has had some gaffes, too. His preoccupation with voter fraud got a bit of traction Friday with a report in the Washington Times that says Hillary Rodham Clinton actually did get more than 800,000 votes from non-citizens. It’s not the millions that Trump has suggested, but it does shore up his argument that a lot of people voted who had no right to do so.

Work is moving forward to repeal Obamacare, and Trump signed an executive order to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement, The Hill noted.

He has promised to announce his nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday. If that nominee is the conservative Constitutional constructionist that gun owners are hoping for, it will be a shot across the bow of gun prohibitionists.

What is happening in Washington, D.C. amounts to an epidemic of culture shock. The comfortable establishment that has become used to lots of talk until the urge to act passes is scrambling to keep up with a private sector businessman accustomed to making things happen in order to bring projects in on time and under budget.

Is this an environment in which some people are going to feel rolled over? Maybe so, and it could be overdue.


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