
Canadian Cops Go Full Psycho… Arrest Rightwing Journo For Doing His Job (VIDEO)

Not only are the charges trumped-up, but we've got video evidence of them lying

Joe Biden’s DOJ is aggressive in prosecuting his enemies — including arresting a Blaze reporter who started asking the wrong questions about J6 — but even they aren’t THIS brazen.

Rebel News is one of the few Canadian media companies that have not taken any federal subsidies. Maybe that’s why they cover stories other media tend to ignore.

It hasn’t yet been two weeks since the world denounced Canada’s federal police (RCMP) for behaving like the political arm of Trudeau’ls liberal party, by arresting David Menzies while tried to ask questions to the Deputy Prime Minister on a public sidewalk.

Clash Daily covered that story here.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

This week, Rebel launched a wrongful arrest lawsuit against the police, and on Friday, he was being arrested again. Once again, it happened while he was doing his job, with no explanation.

He was covering a protest, and asking man-on-the-street questions to a well-known pro-Palestine protester/agitator. They were both literally standing on a public street, and suddenly the police came along and dragged him away.

Here’s David Menzies’s boss, Ezra Levant catching up with David as he is released from jail.

And here is the earlier reporting where he’s describing the arrest itself. Notice the allegation that David refused to present his ID despite footage of him handing it up, and police telling him that the identification in his wallet (which had fallen to the ground while he was being handcuffed) would be returned to him.

David’s hat, on the other hand, was NOT returned to him. It was bagged as ‘evidence’.


And did we mention that the reason that site was chosen by two different groups of protesters was because Trudeau was having a fundraiser that day for probably more than $1000/plate?

Cross-posted with Clash Daily


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