Brutal: New RNC Ad Shows Democrats Questioning Biden’s Fitness (Video)

The Republican National Committee (RNC) launched a blistering ad Friday that calls into question Joe Biden’s fitness to lead America over the next four years . biden unfit
A pair of those making comments in the video are prominent Democrats, making it all the more stinging .
The ad, appropriately titled “Joe Biden: Unfit To Lead,” takes aim at the presumptive Democrat nominee’s penchant for incoherence and features clips of New Jersey Senator Cory Booker (D) and former senior adviser to Barack Obama, David Axelrod .
“There’s a lot of people who are concerned about Joe Biden,” Booker says in between shots of Biden saying “um” more times than a perplexed AOC.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Axelrod chimed in stating, “He kind of bumps along … kind of Mr. Magooing his way through this.”
Watch the ad below…
Word Salad
Fox News anchor Bret Baier is also in the video, clearly flabbergasted by a Biden debate performance, saying “There were some answers Shannon, that were word salad … I mean they were just all over the map!”
Booker’s comments also came during a post-debate interview, this one with CNN back in September. The full quote is actually a lot worse .
“There’s a lot of people who are concerned about Joe Biden’s ability to carry the ball all the way across the end line without fumbling,” he claimed.
He added that there were “a lot of moments” when the candidates looked at each other while Biden was speaking, as he “tends to go on sometimes.”
“There are definitely moments when you listen to Joe Biden and you just wonder,” Booker said.
Those moments are practically with each sentence he speaks.
This Independence Day, we reexamine the curious case of Joe Biden and, you know, The Thing.
Did Joe Biden discover a new Declaration of Independence? Watch this episode of Truth over Facts to find out!— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) July 4, 2020
The RNC ad is a not so subtle jab at Biden’s mental faculties.
A recent poll by Rasmussen Reports indicates that a shocking 20 percent of Democrat voters – and a staggering 38 percent of voters overall – think Biden has dementia.
61 percent of those voters believe Trump’s opponent needs to address the matter of dementia publicly.
“Americans are starting to see firsthand that Joe Biden is unfit to lead, a concern Democrats themselves have expressed since he launched his campaign,” RNC spokesman Steve Guest explained.
“At a time when law and order is under attack, the choice is clear: leave the security of our nation in the hands of an incompetent lifelong politician who supports defunding the police, or trust President Trump to prioritize the safety of the American people.”
Who are you going with?
Cross-posted with Mental Recession
Reminder: If you haven’t done so yet, please go HERE and cast your vote for the Liberal Media Propagandist Of The Year for 2020.
- Rasmussen: 38 Percent Of Likely Voters Believe Biden Has Dementia
- Joe Biden’s Dementia Seems To Be Getting Worse; Flubs Numbers, Forgets Names (Video)
- Not a Joke: Joe Biden’s Mental Health, Possible Dementia Needs to Become a Serious National Discussion
- Recent statements suggest Joe Biden has dementia
- Video: Joe Biden turns back to audience, speaks to screen behind him
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