‘Bloviating blob’ Michael Moore angers Internet with maddening tweets on Charleston shooting
On Friday, Michael Moore, the wealthy filmmaker who once suggested disarming all police officers while releasing a large number of blacks from prison, angered many on Twitter with a series of maddening tweets dealing with the Charleston shooting.
Somehow, Moore, who has never been accused of being the sharpest pencil in the box, managed to tie the shootings to the Civil War while impugning the entire state of South Carolina. And he demanded the state remove the Confederate Battle flag “TODAY.”
South Carolina, where the terrorist rebellion by racist traitors – also known as the Civil War – began in Charleston on April 12, 1861.
— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) June 19, 2015
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
He was just getting warmed up:
The terrorist Confederate flag still flies proudly @ the SouthCarolina State Capitol. Somebody needs 2 tear that flag down now. Today. TODAY
— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) June 19, 2015
He also made demands of the media:
News media, stop your BS and start reporting what this is: An ASSASSINATION of a State Senator and an act of TERRORISM.
— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) June 19, 2015
He then impugned white people, apparently ignorant of the fact that he, too, is white. But then, he’s a liberal, so his name-calling doesn’t apply to him:
One proud White American, in less than 2 minutes, has killed TWICE as many Americans as ISIS has in 2 years. White Terrorists. #WISIS.
— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) June 19, 2015
Twitchy noted that a number of people “gave him the business.”
@MMFlint they are talking about it as an act of terrible hate evil and racism…so what is your point?
— Jeff Dunetz (@yidwithlid) June 19, 2015
@MMFlint You mean Democrats, don't you Michael? Democrats fought a war in defense of black chattel slavery.
— TANSTAAFL (@TANSTAAFL23) June 19, 2015
Oh go eat something! I bet Charleston is "thrilled" you're calling them names. Victims families have more class than u! @MMFlint
— SeldenGADawgs (@SeldenGADawgs) June 19, 2015
One person assumed Moore actually has a brain:
.@MMFlint So an entire state is guilty of modern murder, for an act seven generations ago?
All that celluite must be choking your brain.
— Bob Owens (@bob_owens) June 19, 2015
@MMFlint every time you open your mouth you vomit ignorance! Have you ever been to Charleston? If you had you'd know it is very DIVERSE!
— Grancie E. (@Charro534) June 19, 2015
@MMFlint And the party that controlled the state then was the same party that started the kkk and wrote the Jim Crow laws, the democrats.
— Dave Klucken (@DaveKlucken) June 19, 2015
@MMFlint Your idiocy was once an amusement, but your ghoulish stepping on the dead to advance your hatred isn't funny. /mute
— Jeff McIrish (@JeffMcIrish) June 19, 2015
@MMFlint Isn't terrorism organized and planned representing a group with clear goals? One guy with a #TwistedMind. He represents no group.
— Bluhblecht (@PayntDries) June 19, 2015
But liberals are saying otherwise. According to the left, ALL whites must answer for the shootings, because according to a growing number, all whites are terrorists who must be denied their Constitutional rights.
Listening to the left, one would get the idea that white people everywhere are running around killing blacks willy-nilly. But it turns out that’s not quite true.
The National Review noted:
A “white” homicide victim is over twice as likely to be killed by a black than a black homicide victim is to be killed by a “white.” Sixteen percent of “white” victims in homicide incidents involving a single victim and single offender were killed by blacks, compared with only 7 percent of black victims who are killed by “whites.” Given the fact that blacks are less than 13 percent of the national population, their homicide rate against whites and Hispanics combined is vastly disproportionate to their share of the population.
But don’t tell Michael Moore. It would only confuse him…
- Video: S.C. Dem. blames Fox News for Charleston shooting, claims shooter watched ‘things like’ Fox
- Lindsey Graham: Charleston church shooter may have wanted to kill Christians
- Do liberals really want a second civil war in America?
- Liberals in ‘freak-out’ mode, use Charleston shooting to attack guns, whites
- Liberals on Twitter blame GOP, NRA for Charleston church shooting
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