
Blog asks: ‘Should Trump send troops into California to remove anarchist government?’

On Monday, a post at Great American Politics asked if President Trump should send troops into the Sharia-compliant state of California to remove the administration of Governor Jerry Brown, better known to conservatives as “Gov. Moonbeam.”

D. Jolly expressed his support for the Tenth Amendment before adding:

However, when a state openly defies the federal government at virtually every level, it is no longer exercising their Tenth Amendment rights, but have turned to complete anarchy, which poses a direct and serious threat to the federal government and neighboring states.

Such is the case with California, that is not only defying the federal government on a number of issues, but have placed themselves above federal law in that their governor believes he has the right to pardon convicted felons who were being held in custody on federal crimes. Pardoning someone for crimes at the state level is one thing, but since when does a state governor have the legal right to pardon anyone of a federal crime?

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First, you need to realize that California is the home state of congressional Democrats like Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Rep. Maxine Waters and Sen. Kamala Harris. All three are Trump hating, America hating, Constitution hating, family structure hating socialists. Waters and Harris are also white person hating racial bigots.

Jolly went on to remind readers that Brown is “the most anti-American governor in all of America.

The state Assembly, he notes, “consists of 53 Democrats to only 25 Republicans. The state Senate consists of 27 Democrats to only 13 Republicans.”  Which means that Democrats rule the entire state.

He added:

The state is home to THE most liberal city and city government in the nation – San Francisco, long considered to be the city that launched the hippy and free love movement, along with launching the gay rights movement. The city has an annual holiday honoring a slain homosexual mayor. Even the schools honor that holiday.

When the federal government under Barack Obama would not pass an industry and job killing cap and trade program, California passed their own. A number of companies moved to other states due to the state’s unfair cap and trade and their high corporate tax structure.

It’s no secret that many California cities declared themselves to be sanctuary cities defying federal immigration laws and officials and giving legal protection to illegal aliens. However, California’s defiant Democrat-controlled state government was satisfied with just some sanctuary cities, so they passed a state law declaring their entire state a sanctuary state.

California — which has some three million illegal immigrants — also happens to be the only sanctuary state in the Union.

Brown, he added, intentionally pardoned two illegal aliens, both from Cambodia and both with prior felony convictions. His pardon wasn’t for the felony convictions, but was for their standing deportation orders, issued by federal immigration officials.

Jolly said that when a state like California openly becomes defiant of federal law and dismisses all federal authority, there are only two options:  Either “grant them sovereignty by cutting them loose or send in federal troops to remove the anarchical government leaders and return law and order to the state.”

So, which should Trump do? Cut California loose as an independent nation or take them over by military force?” Jolly asked.

There is already a movement in the state to secede from the Union, but chances are that won’t succeed.  Taking the state by military force would also present its own unique set of problems.  After all, as Brown is, wasn’t he elected to office by the people of California?

Nevertheless, something needs to be done.  Having lived for a time in the People’s Republic, I personally know that there are a number of good conservatives who feel Jolly’s pain and are working to change the situation.

It’s not going to be easy, however.  But we have to wonder: How much more of the madness are people in California willing to take?


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Joe Newby

A 10-year veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, Joe ran for a city council position in Riverside, Calif., in 1991 and managed successful campaigns for the Idaho state legislature. Co-author of "Banned: How Facebook enables militant Islamic jihad," Joe wrote for Examiner.com from 2010 until it closed in 2016 and his work has been published at Newsbusters, Spokane Faith and Values and other sites. He now runs the Conservative Firing Line.

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