Black Christian woman unloads on Obama, BLM, blacks in a heroic tirade
News is spreading around social media and other outlets concerning a black Christian woman, Va’Shona Dixon, a Donald Trump supporter who decided that enough is enough and let her fellow blacks, President Obama, and Black Lives Matter (BLM), know that their behavior concerning matters of race is a disgrace.
Jeff Rainforth of Freedom Daily who presented the video in full, reported the news of her statements to her fellow blacks that enough is enough.
On the morning after the Dallas, TX massacre, in which five police officers lost their lives, she posted on her Facebook and held a live stream video event. She spoke about how blacks were reacting to the shooting of two black men, Philando Castile, and Alton Sterling, this week.
In the video, Dixon goes after other blacks, saying that they are the real racists, and said, “I think it’s racism in reverse, I think it’s so much racism in black people… yes, I said it… many black people voted for Obama simply because he’s black.”
“Obama, their black god, who they voted for, had failed them, so they are making excuses for his failures in an attempt to cover for him. And you want to call Donald Trump a racist? No, you a racist.”
Dixon also went after civil rights leaders, who do nothing more than receive monetary gains by supporting immoral issues and supports Obama’s agenda. As for Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, Dixon stated that he is a “racist” who is voting for Hillary, and that Jesse Jackson is a race hustler.
“And If you vote for Hillary, you’ll end up in hell right next to her. I am sick of these black leaders,” said Dixon.
The video is 18 minutes long and Dixon stated that she knows that she may get in a bunch of trouble but said that she does not care.
Kudos to Dixon for taking a stand…
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