
Biden’s Dementia Shows Again – Forgets N. Korea Already Has Nukes (Video)

It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad. But at this point, it’s as clear as day that the presumptive 2020 Democratic nominee is in no position to be even running for office. Even as a political junkie, it’s hard to watch as Biden’s Dementia worsens. Honestly, I don’t know how Joe Biden’s family allows him to go out in public. Even more frightening is that people would even think of voting for someone with those cognitive issues.

While being interviewed by Jake Tapper last week, Biden tried to attack President Donald J. Trump’s foreign policy, specifically concerning Asia and the Middle East. During his answer, he forgot that North Korea had nuclear weapons.

What has Trump done? He’s done nothing about it. He’s done nothing about it. And what has he done with regard to our friends like Japan and other — and South Korea? He’s made some cockamamie deal to his good friend, sending love letters to Kim Jung-un.

I mean, what in God’s — I mean, to Kim in South — I mean, in North Korea. What in God’s name is that all about? He gave him legitimacy.

We had firm, firm constraints on what they could buy and what they could sell in their economies. He’s blown it. He’s giving them so much credibility. They’re closer to a nuclear weapon than they were before. He did the same thing in Iran.

North Korea exploded it’s first nuclear weapon on October 9, 2006. They exploded four nuclear weapons while he was vice president.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Notice he also forget that President Trump has put crippling sanctions on North Korea and Iran. The economies of both countries are near collapse. Sadly so are parts of Biden’s brain.

The fact that his memory lapses are increasingly frequent should be an extra consideration for voters. One of the questions pollsters sometimes ask of voters is, “do you want this person to have their finger on the nuclear button?” I fear that with Biden, someone would first need to explain to him what a button is.

Cross-posted with The Lid


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