
Biden Wants to Run Again in 2024? The Confused Old Man Who was Shut Up by the Easter Bunny?

According to numerous media outlets, Biden told Obama that he will run again in 2024. Where he will run to is another question, but even some Democrats are balking at the idea. The guy who is told what to do by handlers, and was even shooed off by an Easter Bunny on Monday wants to be President again.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

By 2024, Biden will be 80 years old and in even worse mental condition than he is now.

“I believe he thinks he’s the only one who can beat Trump. I don’t think he thinks there’s anyone in the Democratic party who can beat Trump and that’s the biggest factor,” a source familiar with the Biden and Obama conversation said.


Biden in 2024?

OK, let’s get this straight: Biden beat Trump after Democrats cheated. He destroyed the entire US economy on his first day. He has commited gaffe after gaffe, sometimes not even remembering who his Vice President or foreign dignitaries might be. He’s the laughing stock of many nations from Australia to Saudi Arabia.

He completely fumbled every foreign policy decision, in particular Afghanistan, which not only left Americans behind, it killed 13 of our best. He also armed a nation full of terrorists:

Screenshot of Taliban fighter with an American weapon via SOFREP

Among the $80 billion worth of high-tech weaponry Joe Biden gifted to the Taliban after his inept and deadly Afghanistan withdraw were 176 artillery pieces, 64,363 belt-fed machine guns, 126,295 handguns and of course 358,530 select-fire assault weapons — real assault weapons.

Most of the assault rifles were equipped with high-end optics. Many had IR lasers, which aren’t much good without night-vision gear. However, Biden left behind 16,035 sets of NVGs.

The small arms were accompanied by 23,132 armored vehicles, both tracked and wheeled, 8,000 cargo trucks, 42,000 pickups and SUVs, 109 helos and 65 fixed-wing aircraft, including four C-130s.

Lee Williams

And after all of that, he’s shipping tons of weapons and money to Ukraine (nearly too late for them to accomplish a total win) while at the same time attempting to disarm Americans. He’s surrounded by crises from an overrun border to runaway inflation, supply chains factors, and the possibility of an invasion of Taiwan. And that’s just part of the picture. His administration is a train wreck. His personal abilities are constantly under scrutiny, as he shakes hands with the air, turns his back on audiences, and gets lost by the White House. Heck, he gets lost just standing at the podium. Yesterday’s Easter Bunny saga was a mess in his handlers’ efforts to stop him from speaking, which they have done before, just not in a bunny costume.

So, sure, let’s have he-who-can’t-think-for-himself be President again for the 2024 election. If that happens, we have no place to run. Oh, and Breitbart said that Kamala Harris and Pete Buttigieg want to run for President as well. The train wrecks just keep piling up.


H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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