
Biden gives Putin ‘hands off’ list of 16 ‘entities,’ what about the rest?

Joe Biden gave Vladimir Putin a list of 16 entities that are “hands off” for cyber hacking. (Screen snip, YouTube, CNBC)

The establishment media quickly moved past what may have been the biggest bombshell story to come out of the meeting between Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin this week, reported at Yahoo News.

“President Joe Biden told reporters Wednesday he gave Russian President Vladimir Putin a list of 16 critical infrastructure ‘entities’ that must be ‘off-limits’ to cyberattacks and hinted at major retaliation from the United States should Russia allow continued malign activity in the sphere,” the story said.

These “entities” apparently cover a wide range of critical infrastructure “from the energy sector to our water systems,” Biden said.

How would the press have handled that revelation, had Donald Trump been the man with the list? Why aren’t members of Congress demanding to know if it is okay with Biden that Russian hackers attack any other “entities?” What was Biden doing, handing a sensitive list identifying “critical infrastructure entities” to the leader of a foreign government believed by everyone to be at least partly hostile to the United States in the first place?

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In remarks to reporters, Biden stated, “So we agreed to task experts in both our countries to work on specific understandings about what is off-limits and to follow up on specific cases that originate in other countries, and that’s either of our countries.”

Biden then stated, “We’ll find out whether we have a cybersecurity arrangement that begins to bring some order.”

The president has been showered with criticism from conservatives in the aftermath of his meeting with Putin.

Two recent polls show Biden with only a 50 percent approval rating, with the daily Rasmussen presidential tracking poll being the more recent. According to Rasmussen, “50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Biden’s job performance. Forty-eight percent (48%) disapprove.”

A survey by Monmouth University says Biden’s approval rating for May was at 48 percent, down six points from his score of 54 percent at the end of April.

There were several moments during the past week when the president seemed to forget at mid-sentence what he was trying to say, and one of the more embarrassing moments came during a press conference when he acknowledged her had a list of reporters upon who he was supposed to call.


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