
Biden Gals Plead Guilty To Hate Crimes For Stealing 7-Year-Old’s MAGA Hat

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Two women who stole a MAGA hat from a seven-year-old boy last summer near Joe Biden’s acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention have pleaded guilty to hate crimes.

The National File reported Olivia Winslow and Camryn Amy admitted to charges of hate crimes, theft and child endangerment for their attack.

The Delaware News Journal said counts of assault, attempted assault and conspiracy were dropped as part of a plea deal.

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According to the National File the attack happened August 20, 2020, in Wilmington, Delaware, near where Biden was accepting the party’s nomination for president.

“A video of the incident was uploaded by the Students for Trump Twitter account and was viewed more than 5 million times. The video shows the two women confronting a family who had just left a peaceful counter protest and were waiting for a table outside a restaurant. Winslow and Amy can be seen ripping up pro-Trump signs while cursing at the family. ‘Are you destroying my property?’ a woman can be heard asking as the pair tore up signs,” the report explained.

The report noted one of the women later claimed she was punched during the altercation but video shows one of the attackers punches a man who was trying to retrieve the hat.

Sentencing is scheduled for September.

Delaware Online explained prosecutors said the deal was offered with the “approval of the victims” but they declined further comment.

The video:

Reports at the time the women, both 21, were indicted on a laundry list of counts.

After one stole the hat, a boy is heard in the video saying, “That’s somebody else’s hat.”

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Bob Unruh, WND News Center

Bob Unruh joined WND in 2006 after nearly three decades with the Associated Press, as well as several Upper Midwest newspapers, where he covered everything from legislative battles and sports to tornadoes and homicidal survivalists. He is also a photographer whose scenic work has been used commercially. Read more of Bob Unruh's articles at

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