
Biden Compassion: “No Comment” When Asked About Maui Fires

Biden's wheelhouse is empty

Biden compassion. The current occupant of the White House ran on a platform that claimed he was the more compassionate of the candidates running. By now, people should have seen that it was a ploy, a lie that suckered everyone who voted for him. It was deeply evidenced in the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, or the humanitarian crisis at the border, and now when Biden was asked about the death toll from the Maui catastrophe, his verbal response was ridiculous: “No comment.” As of Monday, the death toll climbed to 96 and is expected to rise.

Biden compassion: no comment

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

To his or his handlers’ credit, Joe Biden signed a declaration of disaster immediately when the wildfires broke out so that FEMA resources would be available (let me guess: Obama pushed him?). Yet as all of us are aware, disasters and the federal government aren’t necessarily the best answer for people who are suffering the loss of everything they own – the best answer is residents helping residents. One Maui resident told a reporter that he had not received real help yet from the government. But to say that Biden compassion was evident would be incorrect.

Biden spends his time on Rehoboth Beach, inviting cancer by sitting in the sun. Or inviting injury by riding a bicycle before he falls over. Vacations every weekend seem to be the norm for this guy. But Democrats sang the song of how wonderful he is:

“President Biden has mobilized and led a whole-of-government response to the wildfires in Hawaii from the beginning, working closely on it and receiving detailed briefings every day since. Yesterday he received two updates from FEMA Administrator Criswell while she was on the ground. As Governor Green stressed yesterday, within six hours of receiving Hawaii’s request, President Biden signed a Major Disaster Declaration and ordered all available federal resources in the state to help with the response. Governor Green described this as having provided ‘amazing support for recovery.’ Senator Hirono also thanked President Biden for the immediate support federal agencies have delivered for the residents of Hawaii, as has Senator Schatz. Like President Biden said on Thursday, ‘I’ve directed that we surge support to these brave firefighters and first responders and emergency personnel working around the clock […] I’m going to make sure the state has everything it needs from the federal government to recover.'” WH Spokesperson to Fox Digital

In all of those things, Biden couldn’t muster even a short statement of compassion for the residents of Lahaina, Maui. He just said “no comment.” It means that money thrown at any problem is his only concern – the actual suffering of people is not in his empty “wheelhouse.”


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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