Biden Advocates Lifting Iran Sanctions Amidst Threats to U.S.

Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden called on the Trump administration to ease sanctions on Iran, even as the rogue nation makes threats against the United States.
In a move proving once more that there are no moderates in the Democrat party, the former vice president sided with Bernie Sanders and the ‘Squad’ in suggesting Iran should be relieved of sanctions during the coronavirus crisis.
“In times of global crisis, America should lead,” Biden said in a statement. “We should be the first to offer help to people who are hurting or in danger. That’s who we are. That’s who we’ve always been.”
Noting that the virus “respected no borders” he called upon the United States to “take steps to offer what relief we can to those nations hardest hit by this virus — including Iran.”
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Joe Biden is calling on the Trump administration to ease economic sanctions against Iran as the nation reels from the coronavirus pandemic
— POLITICO (@politico) April 2, 2020
Iran’s Threats
Biden demanding sanctions be lifted seems incredibly tone-deaf considering the President recently warned that Iran has been making terroristic threats against the United States.
“Upon information and belief, Iran or its proxies are planning a sneak attack on U.S. troops and/or assets in Iraq,” Trump tweeted earlier this week. “If this happens, Iran will pay a very heavy price, indeed!”
Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif claimed the only actions Iran engages in is self-defense.
“Iran starts no war, but teaches lessons to those who do,” Zarif threatened.
It is also an interesting turn of events considering Biden, just days earlier, said he wouldn’t commit to calling for sanctions to be lifted because Iran is “in real trouble and lying” about the coronavirus effects on their nation.
The difference between a humanitarian and a hawk: @BernieSanders: “Iran is facing a catastrophic toll from the coronavirus pandemic. U.S. sanctions should not be contributing to this humanitarian disaster.”
Joe Biden: ‘They are in real trouble and lying.”
— EmpathyEducates (@empathyeducates) April 1, 2020
Really Bad Idea
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, for his part, has expressed a willingness to review the sanctions but has demanded Iran release all Americans being held in their prisons.
They’ve refused thus far.
So we want to reward a nation that plans attacks on American troops and holds them prisoner?
Not to mention, lifting sanctions will not benefit the Iranian people – it will benefit their leaders.
Iran has failed to provide accurate numbers in the coronavirus plight and there is no guarantee economic relief would be distributed amongst the people suffering from the coronavirus crisis.
“Iranian regime officials stole more than $1 billion in humanitarian funds meant to be used to help the country’s people fight the spread of coronavirus,” the Washington Free Beacon reported, according to Pompeo.
Cross-posted with Mental Recession
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