
Biden admin. mantra: ‘Less is the new more’

Joe Biden is presiding over a supply line train wreck, as a Washington Post columnist suggests Americans have been “spoiled” and now have to adjust their expectations about goods and services. (Screen snip, YouTube, CNBC)

Reaction to a Washington Post column on the Biden import logjam has been scathing, according to a report by Fox News, but a read through some of the more than 1,700 comments shows a number of them support the notion that American consumers are spoiled and should expect less.

The column, by contributor Micheline Maynard, declares, “Americans’ expectations of speedy service and easy access to consumer products have been crushed like a Styrofoam container in a trash compactor. Time for some new, more realistic expectations.”

Several lines later, Maynard writes, “The other day I found myself carrying home a loaf of bread in my bare hands because the bakery had run out of bags. Back when we didn’t know how good we had it — circa 2019 — I might have been annoyed by the inconvenience. Now I was just glad the bakery was still in business.”

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If the bakery had been closed, the blame would have to be on Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, the far left Democrat who seems right at home in a nation being guided by the Biden administration.

But Fox News has published a series of Twitter messages that roast Joe Biden and his people. Many are blistering.

Since the inauguration, Biden appears to have wasted little time destroying the economy, and the backup of container ships at California and along the West Coast underscores the problem. Under Biden, gasoline prices are up more than $1 a gallon, which contributes to inflation and rising prices on consumer goods transported by truck. He cancelled the Keystone pipeline project, leaving critics to complain this reversed U.S. energy independence and put the nation back in the grip of Middle East oil producers.

One man tweeted, “The perfect pitch for socialism: settle for less, accept worse, don’t complain.”

Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) added this observation: “The Washington Post tells Americans to expect empty shelves inside their grocery stores, then blames the consumer for overreacting, when they should be demanding answers from the Biden Administration. Not playing defense for them. Spoiler alert: It is Joe’s fault!”

The bottom line appears to be that columnist Maynard thinks it will get worse before it gets better, but almost as if she were an apologist for Biden, she concludes, “All I can do is hope for the best. Like everybody else. And keep those expectations reasonable. Eventually the supply chain will get straightened out.”

Yes, perhaps, when the current administration leaves office and when Capitol Hill changes hands.


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