
BBC Journalist Warned Not To Report On Super-Sensitive Subject

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

A journalist for the BBC network in the United Kingdom says he was warned off of reporting on Stonewall, the huge LGBT-promoting activist organization.

According to a report from the Christian Institute, Stephen Nolan said he was told reporting on Stonewall, the promoter of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender ideology, could hurt him.

Nolan, who recently created a podcast on the issue with journalist David Thompson, said “really seasoned people” at the network warned him not to put himself “in the firing line.”

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The podcast talked about the huge influence of Stonewall on national governments and institutions, and was based on 18 months of investigations.

“I’ve been broadcasting in Northern Ireland for 25 years with all the bullets and bombs, and I’ve had death threats,” Nolan explained. But he said he has “never had the volume of people warning me off” before.

The Christian Institute reported he said, “There’s a fear factor of even talking about it. That’s not acceptable or healthy. Debating a subject should not affect your career.”

But he added that he had also received a “tsunami” of support, including from BBC senior staff.

During the podcast, Nolan explained, “We have spent months investigating the public bodies who have a relationship with Stonewall. And we’ve found examples, where government is essentially paying Stonewall to lobby it. Yes. You’ve heard that right. I’ll say it again. Lobbyists, being paid by the people they are lobbying, to lobby.”

The report explained that public organizations sometimes are paying as much as £2,500 plus VAT to subscribe to the LGBT lobby group’s scheme, which rewards employers for promoting LGBT ideology inside and outside of the workplace.

An official for BBC said the network does not take legal advice from Stonewall and does not subscribe to its campaigning.

The Belfast Telegraph said Nolan said his colleagues suggested that the subject was “untouchable” and his reporting could affect his “career and safety.”

The report said, “The 10-part investigative report on BBC Sounds touches on the potential influence of Stonewall on a number of organizations, including the Scottish and Welsh governments, the media regulator Ofcom and the BBC themselves.”

One of the focal points of the reporting is Stonewall’s scheme that involves employers paying the activist group to advise them on diversity inclusion.

Another among the points reported is one that the Scottish government removed the word “mother” from its maternity leave policy on Stonewall’s instructions.

The broadcaster, the report said, noted the series was “asking questions” of a lobby group and rejected accusations it was an “attack” on the LGBT community.

“There’s this framing: ‘You’re questioning Stonewall so this is an attack on gay people’,” he said in the report. “How ridiculous is that! Asking questions of a lobby group is not attacking anyone … and Stonewall does not represent the views of every gay person in the UK.”

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Bob Unruh, WND News Center

Bob Unruh joined WND in 2006 after nearly three decades with the Associated Press, as well as several Upper Midwest newspapers, where he covered everything from legislative battles and sports to tornadoes and homicidal survivalists. He is also a photographer whose scenic work has been used commercially. Read more of Bob Unruh's articles at https://www.wndnewscenter.org/author/bob-unruh/

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