
Bannon Headed To Prison For The Exact Same Contempt Garland Justified In Congress

Without double-standards, the left would have none at all

In this week’s Congressional testimony, Merrick Garland offered his flimsy excuse for why he refused to hand over information Congress had subpoenaed from him, even as a judge ordered Bannon to prison for exactly the same thing.

Scratch that…

With Bannon’s conviction, there are some genuine questions in play concerning Trump’s executive privilege and the dubious legitimacy on which the authority of a wrongly-constituted ‘Congressional Committee’ could demand any compliance of a citizen whatsoever.

The same is NOT true of the subpoenas issued to Merrick Garland’s DOJ regarding the tapes and transcripts of the interview between Joe Biden and the special prosecutor that chose not to charge Biden despite admitting that Joe met the threshold for criminal mishandling of classified documents.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

The Bannon ruling:

As of July 1, Bannon must report to serve out a four-month prison term. Prosecutors have been pressing for the prison sentence to proceed now that Bannon’s first attempt to seek an appeal has failed despite this being a case of first impression in which Bannon still has multiple avenues of appeal remaining to him.

The judge has granted the prosecution their wish, with this decision having a massive influence on conservative media’s ability to criticize the Biden administration during a critical phase in the 2024 election cycle, with Bannon having a massive audience.

The decision means Bannon, a right-wing media firebrand who maintains influence in Trump’s orbit, will likely be behind bars for a critical stretch of the U.S. presidential campaign as former President Trump faces Democratic President Joe Biden in the Nov. 5 election.
The order by U.S. District Judge Carl Nichols in Washington came after a federal appeals court last month rejected Bannon’s bid to overturn his conviction for spurning a subpoena from a congressional panel that investigated the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.
[…] Bannon was allowed to avoid serving the sentence during his appeal. Prosecutors moved to end that reprieve after a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit rebuffed Bannon’s challenge to his conviction.
Bannon’s lawyers urged Nichols to keep Bannon free, arguing he can still appeal to the full D.C. Circuit court or the U.S. Supreme Court. Bannon has argued that he was advised by his lawyer that he did not have to comply with the subpoena and therefore did not intend to commit a crime.
But Nichols said after the appeals court’s ruling, there was no longer justification to keep Bannon free.
“I can no longer conclude that his appeal raises substantial questions of law” likely to overturn his conviction, Nichols said.
 — Reuters

The left cranks out another ‘Republicans Pounce response

The left is already reacting, not to the conviction, but to the ‘dangerous’ implications of the right’s reaction to this order.

Funny how the left doesn’t seem bothered about their side blowing off subpoenas.

Merrick Garland blows off Congressional subpoena

The DOJ was given a subpoena for the interview tapes in which the decision NOT to prosecute Biden was made, NOT on the basis of law, but rather on his being an ‘elderly man with a poor memory’. We have SINCE learned that the tapes of the alleged transcript have been altered.

Here is how a Biden-friendly outlet reported it.

In 2023, President Joe Biden was deposed by Special Counsel Robert Hur as part of an investigation into alleged mishandling of classified documents found at President Joe Biden’s former office at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and at his home in Wilmington, Delaware.
A transcript of the extensive interview was released to lawmakers, but Biden invoked executive privilege to prevent the audio recording from being made available.
Outraged Republican lawmakers issued a subpoena to the Department of Justice for the audio of the deposition, but in keeping with Biden’s executive privilege assertion, Garland refused to release the audio, saying there was no legislative purpose and that those lawmakers wanted the audio for their political ends.
 — USAToday

After the ‘Executive Privilege’ excuse was blown apart, Garland pivoted to another excuse. Releasing the tapes would have a ‘chilling effect’ on future investigations. What it is NOT acknowledging is that the justification for Congress demanding those tapes is LITERALLY their impeachment investigation into Joe Biden.

A case could, perhaps, be made for Merrick Garland obstructing justice here.

We’ll close with Matt Gatez’s tweet summarizing what’s wrong with this conviction.

It is with great sadness and anger that we observe the death of the judicial system in America.

Steve Bannon sought judicial review of the illegal demands of a runaway congressional committee, unlike any ever comprised. It was literally a matter of first impression.

And they’re sending him to prison – not just to torture him but to torture us.

He didn’t even get a real trial. His defenses were stripped by a judge who hates him.

The ramifications of these actions will reverberate in a very dark way for a long time.

I’ve begged House leaders to advance legislation to expunge these contempt proceedings on Bannon/Navarro/Scavino/Meadows.

They’ve refused. Likely because we don’t have the votes.

We need stronger leaders.

November can’t come soon enough.

Well, Matt, one reason we don’t have the votes has something to do with how the slim majority we began with got a LOT thinner after the leadership chaos.

But that point about Biden’s DOJ weaponizing their power to destroy their enemies? Spot-on.

Cross-posted with Clash Daily


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