Liberals can come up with the most idiotic answers to problems. Many of you remember when Bill Clinton was president, and in an effort to combat crime, suggested midnight basketball.  It was his theory that thugs would rather shoot hoops than tourists.  When you think about it, that was probably a racist statement on his part.  Shooting hoops while eating fried chicken and watermelon?  I guarantee that had a Republican said it, that’s what we would have heard.
Now, Baltimore has come up with something much better.  It’s called Safe Streets.  The program is paid for by the Baltimore Health Department.  The idea is to use felons to reduce violence on the streets of Baltimore, much in the same way Stephanie Rawlings-Blake decided the best way to control violence during the riots was to have the police back off and give the hoodlums room to vent.  The program is paid for by the Baltimore Health Department.  After all, they only torched over 200 businesses.  See how well that turned out?
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
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