
Aussie Journo Ambushes Tucker With Gotcha Questions… He Nukes Her From Orbit (Video)

It was designed to be the political and racial equivalent of a ‘do you still beat your wife’ trap. The harder she tried to slander Tucker Carlson, the dumber she looked.

Something changed in the Obama/Trump era. Media name-calling got so over-saturated that it could no longer be an automatic destruction of the person hit with the label. The public started questioning the narrative… more than that, the formerly-unimpeachable integrity of media types doing the mudslinging came into question.

An Australian journalist tries to use the ‘Replacement Theory’ stories Tucker has discussed on his shows as an occasion to slander him.

He puts on a master class of how to disarm the question and put the questioner in the hotseat.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

He knows what he said. He knows what he meant, and she is trying to do a drive-by slander of him. He’s not having it.

As we watch these 6 minutes of glory, notice two things here.

First, he’s correcting her framing of his original statements. At no point did Tucker say replacing WHITE people. He said replacing Americans. That’s a HUGE difference.

He’s not attacking American minorities. Far from it. He’s defending their interests, too.

Second, he is calling the woman out on her deliberate dishonesty.

When she pivots from THAT failed talking point to another and another, he matches her pace and blocks those too.

He’s not getting angry. He’s not even very animated. He’s methodically showing the world that the woman is a liar embarked on a mission that has nothing to do with the journalists job of gaining information and everything to do with an activists job of slandering a perceived threat.

Whoever she is, she looks like a chump in the process.

As for the Replacement Theory itself… hidden camera footage from within Biden’s State Department has confirmed this is an actual goal. For explicitly cynical political reasons… the places they are bringing people in from lean heavily to the political left, if not to actual socialism/communism. It’s no mistake that the people they are flooding the country with do not share traditional American center-right values.

Cross-posted with Clash Daily


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