
Attention gun owners: Everytown for Gun Safety just did you a favor

Bizarre as it may seem to American gun owners, anti-gun–rights billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety just did you a favor, albeit unintentionally.

In a new fund-raising effort, the gun prohibition lobbying group has put together an interesting video that runs for less than two minutes, with quotes from Democratic presidential candidates showing precisely where they stand on the Second Amendment.

Everytown for Gun Safety just did gun owners a favor. (Dave Workman)

It might be fair to say they all look at the right to keep and bear arms as a privilege that can be regulated by government.

The video features Senators Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar and Cory Booker, former Vice President Joe Biden, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee and others. None of them says a thing about the rights of gun owners, only about how to regulate their right to own firearms.

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Everytown’s website states, “Every day, 100 Americans are killed with guns,” without explaining that two thirds to 70 percent of those deaths are suicides. The website claims that donations help Everytown “work to prevent gun violence and save lives by:

  • Pressuring lawmakers to improve our gun laws
  • Raising awareness about gun violence
  • Educating the public about common-sense gun laws and responsible gun ownership
  • Mobilizing grassroots supporters

However, nowhere is there any evidence that Everytown has any kind of certified firearms instructors, as does the National Rifle Association or the United States Concealed Carry Association, so how they would educate the public about ‘common-sense gun laws and responsible gun ownership” is something of a mystery.

As for “improving gun laws,” that’s also something of a mystery because gun control laws haven’t “improved” anything, according to Second Amendment activists. Instead, as the Second Amendment Foundation indicated the other day about so-called “gun-free zones,” laws that restrict the ability of law-abiding citizens to defend themselves in public places only help criminals and madmen.

A prime example of a good guy with a gun saving lives occurred early Thursday morning in Virginia Beach, Virginia, scene of the May 31 mass shooting that claimed a dozen lives in a municipal building where employees are not allowed to have firearms.

According to WTKR News, an armed robbery turned deadly when the two suspects were shot by a legally-armed private citizen as other customers feared for their lives.

A female customer, Barrie Engel, told WTKR, “I was just standing there watching him (one of the suspects) putting money in his pocket and then I heard a gunshot. As soon as I heard the gunshot, I just fell to my knees (covered) my head and prayed to God that I wasn’t going to be the next shot.”

Mentioning the armed citizen, she told a reporter, “He’s a hero. He’s a hero. Thank God he was in here and thank God he was holding a gun, and he saved our lives.

By no surprise, anti-gun-rights Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, who wants to exploit the May 31 shooting to push his gun control agenda, and gun control groups including Everytown, have remained silent.

Lucky for gun owners, who also vote, that the presidential candidates haven’t remained silent, and that Everytown put their remarks in a video for all to hear.

Everytown notes in its appeal that donations to the Action Fund are not tax deductible. However, contributions to the Second Amendment Foundation, which fights restrictive gun control laws in the courts, are deductible.


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