
As 66 Million Agree National Divorce Is Needed, Top Homeless And Murder Cities/Counties Are Run By Democrats

(Natural News) When thinking of a “National Divorce” the first thought is “secession,” and in fact it is the first thing the media associates with calls to separate red states for blue states, as highlighted by an article over at the Daily Mail discussing how 66 million Americans agree with idea by Marjorie Taylor Greene regarding a national divorce.

(Article by Susan Duclos republished from AllNewsPipeline.com)

The Daily Mail states “Secessionist movements are alive and well in Texas and eastern Oregon.”

While technically secession is possible, the bar is so high, it isn’t likely as the movement would need approval of both houses of Congress and then obtaining ratification by three fourths of the nation’s legislatures, according to FindLaw.

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Since a quarter of GOP voters are keen on the idea, and only 16% of Democrats favor the idea, the chances of getting both houses of congress and three fourths of the county’s legislatures to agree on it, or anything for that matter, is highly unlikely.

With that said, there may be a more feasible plan which we will discuss a little further down in this article.

First the argument on why finding a way to divide red from blue is so much more preferable to Republicans than to Democrats.


Each city listed in the chart above has a Democrat Mayor. California “hosts a third of the nation’s homeless, half of its street sleepers and SIX of the top 10 of cities worst hit by tent encampments,” according to another piece by the Daily Mail.

California has a Democrat governor as well as each of the California cities/counties listed having a Democrat Mayors.

According to World Population Review, the top 20 cities with the most murders are as follows:

St. Louis, MO (69.4)

Baltimore, MD (51.1)

New Orleans, LA (40.6)

Detroit, MI (39.7)

Cleveland, OH (33.7)

Las Vegas, NV (31.4)

Kansas City, MO (31.2)

Memphis, TN (27.1)

Newark, NJ (25.6)

Chicago, IL (24)

Cincinnati, OH (23.8)

Philadelphia, PA (20.2)

Milwaukee, WI (20.0)

Tulsa, OK (18.6)

Pittsburgh, PA (18.4)

Indianapolis, IN (17.7)

Louisville, KY (17.5)

Oakland, CA (17.1)

Washington D.C. (17.0)

Atlanta, GA (16.7)

18 of the aforementioned cities are run by Democrat mayors, 1 has a Republican mayor (Tulsa, OK), and one was a Democrat up until 2009 and now is listed as an Independent (Las Vegas, NV).

17 states allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses, and only one has a Republican governor.

11 states with the most illegal immigrant sanctuaries, and none are run by Republicans. Those states are California, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington.

Is it any wonder that more Republicans favor a national divorce than Democrats?

Read more at: AllNewsPipeline.com


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