
Arizona State Senator Changes Party Affiliation to Republican


Arizona Democratic State Senator Carlyle Begay, who is considered to be popular in Arizona, has decided enough is enough and has officially left the Democratic Party and joined the Republicans on Monday.  Begay is a Navajo Indian and his district covers the Navajo and Hopi reservations.  The Arizona Republican said that Begay told them he decided to make the move because, “the Republican Party better reflects the values of self-determination and self-empowerment that he holds and wants to emphasize to his district.”

What I predicted earlier this year could finally be coming true.  I said that the Democratic Party has moved so far left that Reagan Democrats would be looking at the Republicans.  The Democrats are so extreme that many voters will no longer be able to justify the far left liberal policies pushed by the radical leftist donors.  In many districts across the country, you could see a massive movement to the right.

Those who don’t make the move on moral ground may still do it on more practical grounds.  As voters move to the right, so must those who wish to represent them.  Just ask Eric Cantor.  The vast majority of Americans think we are moving in the wrong direction.  The current total on Real Clear Politics is 61.4%…wrong direction and 31.4%…Right direction.  That’s a thirty point spread.

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Begay announced his decision with the release of a two minute video entitled, “Change Must Happen How.”  Unemployment is 80% in parts of his district and schools are failing to educate their children as the reservation infrastructure crumbles.

Begay explained his decision:

“My hope is to follow the direction of my ancestors and embrace progress by helping the Republican Party as they build a bridge connecting those who need and want a chance with those who can provide that chance.”                                                                                                        
Begay’s decision will not sit well with many in his district, but he hopes to convince them that Republicans are willing to do more for them than the Democrats have.


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