
“AOC” Unmasked: How Did She “Appear” Out Of Nowhere? Who Are Her Puppeteers/Handlers? What Are Their End Goals?

NOT unlike the great Houdini, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, AKA “AOC”, magically appeared on the political landscape – just in time to unseat Rep. Crowley in New York’s 14th Congressional District. After having served twenty years in the House of Representatives, now you see him, now you don’t. Gone. Poof-like.

MEANWHILE, no one in the left-stream, fake news industrial complex has bothered to ask: Where in the hell did she come from? Alas, other than their so-called reporting via assorted puff pieces and hagiographies (mind you, through what she parroted to her fawning media flock), none of her murky backgrounder even comes close to explaining her meteoric rise to fame, as she catapults into the stratosphere!

SO, what gives?

IN reality, as some may have heard, she was plucked from her last job onto the national stage, yes, when she was known as “Sandy the bartender!” Happenstance? Again, why? And, how did this inglorious feat of magic and fortuitous luck transpire, transforming her into the darling of all socialist spitfires?

SPEAKING of magical happenings, just take a listen, then, hear her regurgitate the EXACT words/phrases mouthed by her handlers! Say whaaat?? To wit, the “mystery” of how she came to be where she is will be solved. Even so, it is way worse….way more nefarious…..than one dares to imagine.

IN bare-boned truth-telling mode:

Freshman U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., is a “puppet congresswoman,” and “the people controlling her are very dangerous.”

It sounds like a crazy conspiracy theory, acknowledges actor, writer and political commentator Christopher Patrick Kohls.

But the first-hand evidence is there for anyone to see, he contends in a video produced under his Mr Reagan moniker.

“Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is not really the congresswoman of New York’s 14th Congressional District,” he says provocatively as he opens the video. “She is essentially an actress. She’s merely playing the part of a New York congresswoman.”

Freshman U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., is a “puppet congresswoman,” and “the people controlling her are very dangerous.”

It sounds like a crazy conspiracy theory, acknowledges actor, writer and political commentator Christopher Patrick Kohls.

Kohls explains that in 2017, a progressive group that formed in response to Trump’s election called the Justice Democrats held “auditions” for potential congressional candidates to run on their platform.

As evidence, he runs a clip from a Justice Democrats video.

“Back in 2016, we put out a call for nominations,” says the group’s executive director, Alexandra Rojas. “We got over 10,000 nominations. Out of those 10,000 nominations, we found Alexandria.”

Ocasio-Cortez herself, in another video, says her brother nominated her.

“My brother told me that he had sent my nomination in the summer, but I was, like, literally working out of a restaurant then. And I was like, there’s no way,” she says.

Kohls comments: “A casting call. They had a casting call. They cast Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in the role of congresswoman. And they did this so they could promote their own agenda.

Justice Democrats, on its website, says it aims to reform the Democratic Party by running “a unified campaign to replace every corporate-backed member of Congress.”

In a feature on the group, the New York Times noted that in 2018, Justice Democrats endorsed 78 candidates and recruited 12 to run for office.

Of those 12, Ocasio-Cortez was the only one who won her general election.

However, six other endorsed candidates won, and among them are two other freshman House members who have joined Ocasio-Cortez in challenging the power of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi: Muslim Reps. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota.

Last week, their power was demonstrated when a House Democratic Party resolution originally intended to reprimand Omar for anti-Semitic remarks was watered down. Before it went to a vote, Omar’s name was omitted and a long list of other forms of bigotry were added.

Meanwhile, two Justice Democrats tenets, “Medicare for all” and the Green New Deal have become litmus tests for Democratic presidential candidates.

Ocasio-Cortez and her former chief of staff, Saikat Chakrabarti, one of the founders of Justice Democrats, are the targets of a Federal Elections Commission complaint by the National Legal and Policy Center alleging violations of campaign-finance laws.

AS outrageous sounding as all this is, Americans must not veer away from the clear and convincing evidence contained within “The Brains Behind AOC.” Incontrovertibly, her mirroring of the EXACT words of her puppeteers is as plain as the nose on one’s face. That obvious.

MOST significantly, “AOC’s” handlers are HIGHLY dangerous revolutionaries, whose “inspiration” comes from mass murderers! And it is in their twisted quest to grab power and total control that the ends justifies the means. As such, pay attentive heed to the video’s backgrounders re the following suspects, among others.

  • Cenk Uygur, the leader of the “Young Turks“, is circumspect about who his inspirational role models are. But never mind. They hail from a Turkish revolutionary leadership responsible for (historically) documented mass murder during the Armenian Genocide. Make no mistake: Ignore at your own peril the group’s gobblygook, as they continuously insert their “progressive” double-speak and mantras. Of course, they use smoke and mirrors verbiage, most often, bandying about the terminologies “social good” and “justice” – as if mass murder is now a qualifying factor.
  • Corbin Trent, “AOC’s” top Congressional aide and Communications Director, is a master in Alinsky-style revolutionary tactics via Rules for Radicals. Through his organization, Brand New Congress.org, she receives her messaging and marching orders. No kidding.
  • Zac Exley, her campaign organizer, is a Fellow at the Soros Open Borders Foundation, the blueprint organ to the west’s destruction. Similarly, he is a co-author of Rules for Revolutionaries: How Big Organizing Can Change Everything. Naturally, he is another devotee and disciple of Saul Alinsky, whose inverse of morality and ethics is not difficult to document. Inextricably, there is a reason why “Rules for Radicals” is dedicated to Lucifer, the rebel against God’s rule and vast destroyer of Christian ideology.         
  • Which brings us to “AOC’s” ubiquitous appendage and Chief of Staff, Saikat Chakrabarti. But who is he, really, other than a violator of campaign finance laws? Well, his idol is none other than Subhas Chandra Bose, whose face not only adorns his ubiquitous t-shirt (as “in-your-face” as one can get), but who teamed up with Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan to achieve his goals – hmm, once again, another puppeteer infatuated with a mass murderer! Of course, then as now, Bose’s murderous deeds were veiled under the guise of a “higher” purpose and quest for “justice.” But it in his book, “Indian Struggle“, that his mask drops, when he admits: “India needed a mix of fascism and communism for the greater good.” Invariably, he greatly admired Benito Mussolini too, going so far as to gift him a copy of his book.

PATTERNS, anyone?

PATRIOTS, if anything, internalize this: “AOC’s” puppeteers are the worst of the worst, that is, if freedom and liberty are to remain cherished principles and intact in America. Know this too: If America falls, so too will Israel; the twin pillars of western civilization. The rest of the west will follow.

INCONTESTABLY, they are NOT bit players, nor are they fringe actors. They are, in both words and deeds, very BAD, highly-connected, and well-funded revolutionaries. It is what it is.

AND the very fact that “AOC” is making inroads ala a trajectory which would make a stable of Mafioso kingpins envious – as they operate 24/7 with a religious fervor that only “true believers” of a revolutionary cause, via upheaval and more, can muster –  it must be shouted from the rooftops: They view conservatives, who adhere to the Constitution and love/admire America, as sub-human! Extrapolate from there as to what awaits, that is, if patriots don’t push back with massive force!! Whatever it takes.

BUT never forget this too: None of the above would make a dent without the decades-long undermining from Soros’ hydra-like spears, currently, under the sway of so-called “justice” seekers – in reality, dangerous commiecrats of one variation or another.

AS is said, truth is stranger than fiction. Perilously so.

(Per the reference within, behold Chakrabarti’s “in-your-face” t-shirt – imprinted with the actual ! image of his idol, Subhas Chandra Bose!)

Image result for pics of saikat chakrabarti

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