Anti-Trump Muslim arrested for Jewish Center threats, blames Trump supporters
Juan M Thompson, a leftist Muslim who worked for Intercept, a pro-terrorist and often anti-Semitic site, and he isn’t a fan of Jews or Trump, where some of his tweets also use the word “Allah” and mention that he reverted to Islam blames his bomb threats on Trump supporters.
He also apparently voted for Bernie Sanders and wanted a “revolution”.
Juan Thompson, 31, was arrested in St. Louis by the FBI for making at least eight bomb threats and the cyber-stalking of an ex-girlfriend. Thompson was a former reporter for The Intercept, and was fired after it was discovered that he made up sources and stories, including one about Charleston shooter Dylann Roof.
The criminal complaint states that threats made to the Jewish establishments across the country by Thompson were under his name and the name of his ex-girlfriend, and occurred after the relationship ended. The threats were made by both email and phone calls.
Dozens of Jewish Community Center bomb threats have occurred throughout the country since President Donald Trump’s election, and liberal groups and politicians have attacked Trump for them. The president condemned the threats during his address to Congress, but he reportedly said earlier that day, “sometimes it’s the reverse, to make people — or to make others — look bad.”
Thompson tweeted, “[Trump] is not insane. That’s a slur against ppl who actually suffer w/mental health issues. He is simply a racist/sexist/capitalist monster.”
Based on Thompson’s arrest and Tweets, Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch said, “The fanatical hatred of the Left; the absolute unscrupulousness of Leftists in their quest to defame and destroy those whom they hate and fear; the Leftist/Islamic alliance; the Jew-hatred of the Left in general and of Leftist “journalists” in particular; the credulousness or willful ignorance of the establishment propaganda media; and the fact that the Left will stop at absolutely nothing in its quest to destroy free societies.”
“Juan M. Thompson took matters farther than his former colleagues at Glenn Greenwald’s Intercept, but he and they share the same mindset, world view, and goals.”
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