Anti-gunners press agenda at all levels

Legislation has passed in Washington State and is now headed to Gov. Jay Inslee’s desk that will, according to the Enumclaw Courier Herald, provide “early treatment to kids found with guns.”
Several days ago in Pennsylvania, State Rep. Ronald G. Waters proposed a “sensible” gun law that would include “detailed, regular mental health evaluations for gun owners and potential gun buyers and similar evaluations for family members who share residency…”
On Friday, Investors Business Daily’s (IBD) on-line news referred to President Barack Obama’s Surgeon General nominee Dr. Vivek Hallegere Murthy as “gun-grabbing advocate” and “president and co-founder of the anti-gun group Doctors for America,” which IBD noted has been nicknamed “Docs vs. Glocks.”
The Obama administration did put a gun control proponent in as first commission of Customs and Border Protection. Gil Kerlikowske, coincidentally, also has a tie to Washington State, where he served as Seattle police chief. It was there that his personally-owned Glock pistol was stolen out of his city-owned car on Dec. 26, 2004. Read here.
It was a busy week for gun prohibitionists who laid claim to a couple of “victories” that may not have been all they were initially cracked up to be. One involved a Facebook decision to remind users that firearms transactions had to follow applicable laws and the other—again in Washington State—brings state statute into line with federal law on domestic violence and surrender of firearms by those under restraining orders.
It all points to continuing pressure by anti-gunners to press their agenda at all levels. They may be worried that this November’s mid-term elections could mean an end to any possibility of moving their gun ban agenda forward.
For more, read here.