
Another one bites the dust…sort of; Hickenlooper switches gears

Former Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper has dropped his bid to seek the Democratic Party nomination for president, according to NPR, instead shifting gears to run for Senate in Colorado, suggesting that he is yet another politician who cannot stray too far from the public payroll.

Democrat John Hickenlooper, former Colorado governor running for president, has dropped out, instead now gearing up for a Senate race. (YouTube screen snip)

While he tried to run as something of a centrist in a field of candidates that have been tripping over one another in a race to the Far Left, he didn’t get enough traction to meet fundraising or polling requirements, NPR said.

According to World News Group, Hickenlooper was a “long shot” candidate who “never managed to rise above the bottom tier of candidates in the polls.”

Instead, Hickenlooper is now zeroing in on Sen. Cory Gardner, claiming “I’ve heard from so many Coloradans who want me to run for the United States Senate. I intend to give that serious thought.”

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While trying to claim the center, Hickenlooper hasn’t dismissed any gun control rhetoric heard so far in the primary contest from other Democrats. Indeed, that has been disconcerting to at least one leading Second Amendment advocate, Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the grassroots Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. He earlier criticized the entire Democrat field for seemingly embracing gun control schemes, including threats of confiscation and prosecution, offered by other candidates.

Meanwhile, another Democrat with anti-gun credentials, former Congressman Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke, announced he is “relaunching” his campaign “for the second time,” NPR reported. O’Rourke lost in his 2018 challenge of Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz, and he’s been in and out of the spotlight as media attention has focused on former Vice President Joe Biden, Sens. Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren and Cory Booker.

According to World News Group, “Democrats have called for other presidential candidates, including Montana Gov. Steve Bullock and former U.S. Rep. Beto O’Rourke of Texas, to jump out of the presidential race and mount Senate challenges in their home states instead.”

That would pit him against Sen. John Cornyn, another veteran Republican that Democrats would like to see replaced in their effort to take control of the Senate.

But what does all of this suggest? Hickenlooper and O’Rourke are becoming what might best be called “perennial candidates.” That is, they are either in public office or running for public office, raising questions about whether they can do anything other than campaign for the next election.


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