
Anchor Babies Are Not a Constitutional Issue

A lot of educated morons and disingenuous talking heads insist that anchor babies are covered by the 14th Amendment.  Sorry, folks, it’s not.  I can understand liberals and the media who are owned by liberals spewing those lies, but Fox News, which I quit watching two years ago, is just as guilty.

Bill O’Reilly and Judge Napolitano are the two worst culprits.  I assume they can read and with just a small amount of checking, they would know what I know.  The author of the 14th Amendment said specifically that it would not cover what was to become illegal immigrants.

Senator Jacob Howard of Michigan, who was a very close friend of Abe Lincoln, wrote the citizen clause of the 14th Amendment.  The 14th Amendment was passed solely to protect freed slaves, who were not considered citizens and couldn’t become naturalized because of the prevailing laws at the time.

When interpreting the Constitution, judges are not only charged with the interpretation of the written text, but also the intent of the author and the legislators who voted for the bill.

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