
America’s Civil War Rising: Freedom-Seeking Citizens Pitted Against Radical Leftists & A Totalitarian Agenda – What’s In The Offing?

{Originally Published at AmericasCivilWarRising.org}

INTRODUCTION BY ADINA KUTNICKI:  As night follows day, so too it is hardly surprising that the battle lines within the nation are drawn. Ready to erupt. After all, bringing down America has been decades in the making — albeit ramped up since HUSSEIN Obama stirred the national pot, and in too many ways to count. Incontestably, the exposure of Russia-Gate laid bare the fascist-left’s hoax and game-plan for all to witness.

And within said national rupture lie two main camps; those who uphold  the nation’s constitutional underpinnings, against the other side who want nothing less than to tear down its foundational basis. Root by root. Simple as that. Inordinately dangerous, too.

As such, know this: In no uncertain terms, the two central obstacles standing in the way of the fascist-left — a.k.a. full-on totalitarians — are the First and Second Amendments, that is, the inalienable right to freedom of speech and expression (plus all its attendant rights), coupled with the inalienable right to bear arms, more commonly known as “2G.”

Effectively, this is precisely why those who publicly disagree with the out-of-control, unlawful {emphasis placed} edicts from power-hungry leaders —seeking to impose their will through lock-downs and punitive measures — are being censored. Similarly, they have ratcheted up their ever-pressing grab for lawfully-held guns.

Not only that, the following fu*k you posture from a totally fed-up citizenry is accelerating the American uprising towards commandant-like leaders!

Enough Already 

It’s week 7,298 of the #Coronapocalypse lockdown and a lot of Americans have reached the “I’m not staying here any longer, you idiots,” phase. 

I’ve actually been there for weeks but decided to play along with the New Rules because I was saving lives or something. 

We are allowed to be opening up here a bit in Arizona, but some businesses are remaining closed and virtue-signaling all over the place, posting long social media messages about how it’s just “not safe” yet. I’m making a list of these places to make sure they don’t get any of my money in the next year or two. Some of them are favorites of mine, so it won’t be easy. 

Some restaurants and bars are choosing not to reopen because they have such small spaces that there simply isn’t any way for them to make money operating under the social distancing, half-capacity rules. 

If that’s the way things are going in a state that’s less restrictive than most I truly feel for those who are living under the heavy, tyrannical thumbs of Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer and their ilk. 

The “never let a crisis go to waste” crowd continues to overplay its hand, which is why this would be the perfect time to begin some real push-back against them. 

The expected spike in new COVID-19 cases in states that reopened early never materialized. In fact, the opposite has been true. States that have remained shut down have been seeing the spikes.

If we’re really all about “SCIENCE!” then it’s time to take a serious look at ending all of the lockdowns.

The governors who are arbitrarily extending lockdowns are now just fetishizing power grabs and making everything all about themselves. They need to be reined in for the financial well-being of the people whose lives they’re ruining with their uncontrolled egos. 

There is a very real possibility that 20/20 hindsight will show us that little, if anything, was achieved by shutting down people’s lives and livelihoods. It will have been a self-inflicted and wholly unnecessary tragedy. 

And there won’t be any do-overs.

Fellow patriots, is there any doubt what’s in the offing??
{MEMO: FB’s censors are limiting the sharing of Adina Kutnicki: A Zionist & Conservative Blog! Indeed, the following message from FB’s censors is crystal clear:


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