
America’s 2024 Election May Be Decided By 23 Million ILLEGAL ALIENS

(Natural News) The American Immigration Council (AIC) has warned that millions of illegal immigrants will vote in the upcoming 2024 election.

An AIC analysis found that more than 23 million immigrants are planning to cast a ballot, many of them for the first time since arriving in the United States. What this means for the outcome of the election remains to be seen.

“As more immigrants naturalize and become eligible to vote, they continue to gain political power,” the analysis states. “The number of immigrant voters is only projected to rise in the next decade, and in some states, foreign-born voters are already capable of deciding elections.”

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The report goes on to state that foreign-born eligible voters will once again account for about one in 10 of all eligible voters in 2024. This means that 10 percent of the voting populace in the U.S. will be people who are not natural born citizens.

In swing states, this is especially significant because it means that this 10 percent will become the deciding factor in the election’s outcome.

“The share of the American electorate that is foreign-born is immensely significant because presidential elections, particularly in the nation’s swing states, are decided often by small margins,” the AIC report states.

Assuming the 2020 election outcome was even legitimate, AIC highlighted the very slim margins by which President Joe Biden “beat” Donald Trump in states like Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

AIC’s analysis also found that most foreign-born voters vote for Democrat presidential candidates over Republican candidates, which means the 2024 election could be a tough nut for conservatives to crack because of the ever-changing demographics of this country.

Even though Trump won the 2016 election, foreign-born voters back then still overwhelmingly supported two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, with 64 percent voting for her and just 31 percent voting for Trump, according to exit polls.

“Meanwhile, Trump won native-born American voters by 49 percent compared to Clinton’s 45 percent. Put another way, if the 2016 election were up to foreign-born voters, Clinton would have beaten Trump in a historic landslide.”

Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.) has been warning as of late that Biden wants to allow as many illegal migrants as possible to vote in the 2024 election because otherwise his chances of reelection are slim. Native-born Americans are less likely than illegals to vote for him, after all.

California has been toying with the idea of allowing non-citizens to vote in municipal elections in that state, while Democrats all over the country are pushing for similar changes as they swing wide-open the southern border for seemingly limitless illegal entry into the country.

It would appear as though the constant stream of illegal immigration into the country is designed to flood the electorate with new Democrat voters so Republicans are never again able to win an election.

States that have explicitly banned non-citizen voting include Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Minnesota, North Dakota, and Ohio.

“Clearly, the number of illegal invaders must be brought down to zero,” one commenter wrote. “All immigration must be reduced to zero for at least the next 50 years because our dear United States of America needs a time out.”

“End all of the freebies and welfare-goodies for the invaders and all immigrants; they need to carry their own load. Fine employers of illegal invaders until it hurts and then some. End the anchor baby fiasco. End chain migration. Shut down all sanctuary cities for illegal invaders and then arrest and prosecute those who had anything to do with establishing them in the first place.”

The latest news about the 2024 election can be found at Chaos.news.

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